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euca-bundle-instance - Bundle an S3-backed Windows instance


euca-bundle-instance -b BUCKET -p PREFIX [-o KEY-ID] [-c POLICY]

[-s SIGNATURE] [-w KEY] [-x HOURS]
[--show-empty-fields] [-U URL] [--region USER@REGION] [-I KEY_ID] [-S KEY] [--security-token TOKEN] [--debug] [--debugger] [--version] [-h] INSTANCE


Bundle an S3-backed Windows instance

positional arguments:

ID of the instance to bundle (required)

optional arguments:

bucket in which to store the new machine image (required)
beginning of the machine image bundle name (required)
bucket owner's access key ID (required if not specified in configuration)
Base64-encoded upload policy that allows the server to upload a bundle on your behalf. If unused, a secret key is required.
signature of the Base64-encoded upload policy. If unused, a secret key is required.
bucket owner's secret access key, used to sign upload policies. This is required unless both -c and -s are used or if a secret key is specified in a configuration file.
generated upload policy expiration time (default: 24)
show empty values as "(nil)"
compute service endpoint URL
region and/or user names to search when looking up config file data

-I KEY_ID, --access-key-id KEY_ID

-S KEY, --secret-key KEY

--security-token TOKEN

show debugging output
launch interactive debugger on error
show the program's version and exit
show this help message and exit
March 2016 euca2ools 3.3