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euca-bundle-and-upload-image - Prepare and upload an image for use in the cloud


euca-bundle-and-upload-image [--preserve-bundle]

[--max-pending-parts MAX_PENDING_PARTS] -i
FILE [-p PREFIX] [-d DIR] -r {i386,x86_64,armhf,ppc,ppc64,ppc64le} [-k FILE] [-c FILE] [--ec2cert FILE] [-u ACCOUNT] [--kernel IMAGE] [--ramdisk IMAGE] [--bootstrap-url BOOTSTRAP_URL] [-B VIRTUAL1=DEVICE1,VIRTUAL2=DEVICE2,...] [--productcodes CODE1,CODE2,...] [--image-size IMAGE_SIZE] -b BUCKET[/PREFIX] [--acl {public-read,aws-exec-read,ec2-bundle-read}] [--upload-policy POLICY | --upload-policy-file FILE] [--upload-policy-signature SIGNATURE] [--location LOCATION] [--retry] [--progress | --no-progress] [-U URL] [--region USER@REGION] [-I KEY_ID] [-S KEY] [--security-token TOKEN] [--debug] [--debugger] [--version] [-h]


Prepare and upload an image for use in the cloud

optional arguments:

do not delete the bundle as it is being uploaded
pause the bundling process when more than this number of parts are waiting to be uploaded (default: 2)
file containing the image to bundle (required)
the file name prefix to give the bundle's files (required when bundling stdin; otherwise defaults to the image's file name)
location to place the bundle's files (default: dir named by TMPDIR, TEMP, or TMP environment variables, or otherwise /var/tmp)
the image's architecture (required)
file containing your private key to sign the bundle's manifest with. If one is not available the bundle will not be signed.
file containing your X.509 certificate. If one is not available it will not be possible to unbundle the bundle without cloud administrator assistance.
file containing the cloud's X.509 certificate. If one is not available locally it must be available from the bootstrap service.
your account ID
ID of the kernel image to associate with this machine image
ID of the ramdisk image to associate with this machine image
[Eucalyptus only] bootstrap service endpoint URL (used for obtaining --ec2cert automatically
block device mapping scheme with which to launch instances of this machine image
comma-separated list of product codes for the image
the image's size (required when bundling stdin)
bucket to upload the bundle to (required)
canned ACL policy to apply to the bundle (default: aws-exec-read)
upload policy to use for authorization
file containing an upload policy to use for authorization
signature for the upload policy (required when an 'upload policy is used)
location constraint of the destination bucket (default: inferred from s3-location-constraint in configuration, or otherwise none)
retry failed uploads up to 5 times
show progress (the default when run interactively)
do not show progress (the default when run noninteractively)
object storage service endpoint URL
region and/or user names to search when looking up config file data

-I KEY_ID, --access-key-id KEY_ID

-S KEY, --secret-key KEY

--security-token TOKEN

show debugging output
launch interactive debugger on error
show the program's version and exit
show this help message and exit
March 2016 euca2ools 3.3