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euca-assign-private-ip-addresses - Assign one or more private IP addresses to a network interface


euca-assign-private-ip-addresses [-n INTERFACE]

(--secondary-address ADDRESS | --secondary-count COUNT)
[--allow-reassignment] [--show-empty-fields] [-U URL] [--region USER@REGION] [-I KEY_ID] [-S KEY] [--security-token TOKEN] [--debug] [--debugger] [--version] [-h]


Assign one or more private IP addresses to a network interface


Note that an instance's type may affect the number of addresses it can hold at once.

optional arguments:

ID of the network interface to assign addresses to (required)
assign a specific secondary private IP address to the network interface. Use this option multiple times to add additional addresses.
automatically assign a specific number of secondary private IP addresses to the network interface
Allow addresses to be assigned even if they are already associated with other interfaces
show empty values as "(nil)"
compute service endpoint URL
region and/or user names to search when looking up config file data

-I KEY_ID, --access-key-id KEY_ID

-S KEY, --secret-key KEY

--security-token TOKEN

show debugging output
launch interactive debugger on error
show the program's version and exit
show this help message and exit
March 2016 euca2ools 3.3