.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3 . .TH "README" "" "2015-11-19" "" "" . .SH "Introduction" This document aims to provide information about Elektra\'s \fBqt\-gui\fR feature\. \fBqt\-gui\fR offers a graphical interface for users of Elektra\. It allows users to create, manage, edit, and delete keys stored in KDB\. . .SH "Compiling and Installation" . .SS "Dependencies" In order to compile and use the new \fBqt\-gui\fR there are a few dependencies which must be installed\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 qt5\.3 or greater . .IP "\(bu" 4 libdrm\-dev . .IP "\(bu" 4 libdiscount (libmarkdown2\-dev) . .IP "" 0 . .P Additionally, you may need \fBqtdeclarative5\-dev\fR which is available in \fBwheezy\-backports\fR\. . .P I was able to install the correct dependencies on my system, running Kubuntu 14\.10 using the command: . .br \fBsudo apt\-get install qt5\-default qml\-module\-qtquick\-controls qml\-module\-qtquick\-dialogs qml\-module\-qtquick\-layouts qml\-module\-qtgraphicaleffects libdrm\-dev libmarkdown2\-dev\fR . .SS "Compiling" Compile Elektra as normal as per the COMPILE document \fIhttp://libelektra\.org/tree/master/doc/COMPILE\.md\fR making sure to include the \fBqt\-gui\fR tool using the \fB\-DTOOLS\fR flag\. . .P For instance: \fB\-DTOOLS=ALL\fR or \fB\-DTOOLS=qt\-gui\fR . .P Note: If you install qt5 manually, you must either: \- make sure the qt5 libraries are included in \fBLD_LIBRARY_PATH\fR \- OR make sure to specify \fB\-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/Qt5\.3\.0/5\.3/gcc_64/lib/cmake\fR . .SS "Installing" You can now install Elektra as you normally would or as described in the install documentation \fIhttp://libelektra\.org/tree/master/doc/INSTALL\.md\fR\. . .SH "To Run" The following command will launch the Qt\-GUI: . .IP "" 4 . .nf kdb qt\-gui . .fi . .IP "" 0