.TH "parrot_md5" 1 "" "CCTools 8.0.0 DEVELOPMENT" "Cooperative Computing Tools" .SH NAME .LP \fBparrot_md5\fP - returns the \fBMD5\fP checksum of a file, generated on the remote system if possible. .SH SYNOPSIS .LP \FC\fBparrot_md5 \fP\FT .SH DESCRIPTION .LP \FCparrot_md5\FT returns the \fBMD5\fP checksum of the file stored at . If possible it calls a native function of the remote system to get the checksum, without requiring the transfer of the file's contents to the user's machine. If the filesystem does not support the checksum function internally, it is computed by the user-level program in the normal fashion. .SH OPTIONS .LP \FCparrot_md5\FT has no options. .SH EXIT STATUS .LP On success, returns zero. On failure, returns non-zero. .SH EXAMPLES .LP To retrieve the \fBMD5\fP checksum of a file stored on a \fBchirp\fP server: .fam C .nf .nh .IP "" 8 % parrot_run parrot_md5 /chirp/server.nd.edu/joe/data d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e data .fi .hy .fam .P .SH COPYRIGHT .LP The Cooperative Computing Tools are Copyright (C) 2005-2019 The University of Notre Dame. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details. .SH SEE ALSO .LP .IP \(bu 4 \fBCooperative Computing Tools Documentation\fP .IP \(bu 4 \fBParrot User Manual\fP .IP \(bu 4 \fBparrot_run(1)\fP \fBparrot_cp(1)\fP \fBparrot_getacl(1)\fP \fBparrot_setacl(1)\fP \fBparrot_mkalloc(1)\fP \fBparrot_lsalloc(1)\fP \fBparrot_locate(1)\fP \fBparrot_timeout(1)\fP \fBparrot_whoami(1)\fP \fBparrot_mount(1)\fP \fBparrot_md5(1)\fP \fBparrot_package_create(1)\fP \fBparrot_package_run(1)\fP \fBchroot_package_run(1)\fP