.TH CIF_CELL_CONTENTS 1 .SH NAME cif_cell_contents \- calculate cell contents from atom coordinates and symmetry information. .SH SYNOPSIS cif_cell_contents \-\-options input1.cif input*.cif .SH DESCRIPTION Calculate cell contents from atom coordinates and symmetry information. .SH OPTIONS \-c, \-\-continue\-on\-errors Keep processing subsequent data blocks even if one data block had fatal processing errors. \-c\-, \-\-die\-on\-errors, \-\-no\-continue\-on\-errors, \-\-dont\-continue\-on\-errors, \-\-do\-not\-continue\-on\-errors Terminate script immediately if some data block could not be processed (default). \-\-continue\-on\-warnings Do not terminate script if warnings are raised (default) \-\-die\-on\-warnings Terminate script immediately if warnings are raised \-\-continue\-on\-notes Do not terminate script if notes are raised (default) \-\-die\-on\-notes Terminate script immediately if notes are raised \-Z, \-\-cell\-formula\-units\-Z 1 Specify number of formula sum units in the unit cell. Default: taken from the input CIF if present, otherwise assumed to be 1. \-\-use\-attached\-hydrogens Include number of implicit hydrogens, specified using _atom_site_attached_hydrogens tag, into the formula sum (default). \-\-no\-use\-attached\-hydrogens, \-\-dont\-use\-attached\-hydrogens, \-\-ignore\-attached\-hydrogens Ignore number of implicit hydrogens, specified using _atom_site_attached_hydrogens tag, in calculation of the formula sum. \-\-assume\-full\-occupancies Assume that all atoms have full (1.0) occupancies. \-\-no\-assume\-full\-occupancies, \-\-dont\-assume\-full\-occupancies, \-\-use\-original\-occupancies Use original atom site occupancies, as given in CIF file (default). \-\-print\-datablock\-name Print data block name, tab\-separated, before each formula. \-\-no\-print\-datablock\-name, \-\-dont\-print\-datablock\-name, \-\-do\-not\-print\-datablock\-name Do not print data block name (default). \-\-use\-perl\-parser Use Perl parser to parse CIF files. \-\-use\-c\-parser Use C parser to parse CIF files (default). \-\-help, \-\-usage Output a short usage message (this message) and exit. \-\-version Output version information and exit. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report cif_cell_contents bugs using e\-mail: cod\-bugs@ibt.lt