.TH ACT 1 "September 2020" .SH NAME act \- Artemis comparison tool for genome sequences .SH SYNOPSIS .B act .RI [ options ] .I SEQUENCE_1 .I COMPARISON_1_2 .I SEQUENCE_2 .I ... .SH OPTIONS SEQUENCE An EMBL, GenBank, FASTA, or GFF3 file FEATURE An Artemis TAB file, or GFF file COMPARISON A BLAST comparison file in tabular format -options FILE Read a text file of options from FILE -chado Connect to a Chado database (using PGHOST, PGPORT, PGDATABASE, PGUSER environment variables) -Dblack_belt_mode=? Keep warning messages to a minimum [true,false] -DuserplotX=FILE[,FILE2] For sequence 'X' open one or more userplots -DloguserplotX=FILE[,FILE2] For sequence 'X' open one or more userplots, take log(data) -DbamX=FILE[,FILE2,...] For sequence 'X' open one or more BAM, CRAM, VCF, or BCF files -Dchado="h:p/d?u" Get ACT to open this CHADO database -Dread_only Open CHADO database read-only .SH EXAMPLES % act % act af063097.embl af063097_v_b132222.crunch b132222.embl % act -Dblack_belt_mode=true -Dbam1=MAL_0h.bam -Dbam2=MAL_7h.bam,var.raw.new.bcf % act -Duserplot2=/pathToFile/userPlot .SH SEE ALSO https://sanger-pathogens.github.io/Artemis/ACT/ .BR art (1), .BR dnaplotter (1)