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run-singularity - launch a Singularity containers with a runscript


USAGE: singularity [...] run [run options...] <container path> [...]

This command will launch a Singularity container and execute a runscript if one is defined for that container. The runscript is a file at '/singularity'. If this file is present (and executable) then this command will execute that file within the container automatically. All arguments following the container name will be passed directly to the runscript.


-B/--bind <spec>
A user-bind path specification. spec can either be a path or a src:dest pair, specifying the bind mount to perform (can be called multiple times)
This option disables the automatic sharing of writable filesystems on your host (e.g. $HOME and /tmp).
Contain not only fle systems, but also PID and IPC
-H/--home <path>
Path to a different home directory to virtualize within the container
Run container in a new IPC namespace
Run container in a new PID namespace
Initial working directory for payload process inside the container
-S/--scratch <path> Include a scratch directory within the container that
is linked to a temporary dir (use -W to force location)
Try to run completely unprivileged (only works on very new kernels/distros)
Working directory to be used for /tmp, /var/tmp and $HOME (if -c/--contain was also used)
By default all Singularity containers are available as read only. This option makes the file system accessible as read/write.


If there is a daemon process running inside the container, then subsequent container commands will all run within the same namespaces. This means that the --writable and --contain options will not be honored as the namespaces have already been configured by the 'singularity start' command.


$ singularity exec /tmp/Debian.img cat /singularity
#!/bin/sh echo "Hello world: $@" $ singularity run /tmp/Debian.img one two three Hello world: one two three

For additional help, please visit our public documentation pages which are found at:
February 2017 run-singularity ?[31m?(B?[m