.TH WGSIM "1" "December 2015" "wgsim 1.2" "User Commands" .SH NAME wgsim \- short read simulator .SH SYNOPSIS .B wgsim [\fI\,options\/\fR] \fI\, \/\fR .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-e\fR FLOAT base error rate [0.020] .TP \fB\-d\fR INT outer distance between the two ends [500] .TP \fB\-s\fR INT standard deviation [50] .TP \fB\-N\fR INT number of read pairs [1000000] .TP \fB\-1\fR INT length of the first read [70] .TP \fB\-2\fR INT length of the second read [70] .TP \fB\-r\fR FLOAT rate of mutations [0.0010] .TP \fB\-R\fR FLOAT fraction of indels [0.15] .TP \fB\-X\fR FLOAT probability an indel is extended [0.30] .TP \fB\-S\fR INT seed for random generator [\-1] .TP \fB\-h\fR haplotype mode .SH AUTHOR The software was written by Heng Li .P This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.