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LSZCRYPT(8) System Manager's Manual LSZCRYPT(8)


lszcrypt - display zcrypt device and configuration information


[ -V | -VV | -VVV ] [ <device id> [...]]
-c <device id>
lszcrypt -b
lszcrypt -h
lszcrypt -v


The lszcrypt command is used to display information about cryptographic adapters managed by zcrypt and the AP bus attributes of zcrypt. Displayed information depends on the kernel version. lszcrypt requires that sysfs is mounted.

The following information can be displayed for each cryptographic adapter: card type (symbolic), online status, hardware card type (numeric), installed function facilities, card capability, hardware queue depth, request count, number of requests in hardware queue, and the number of outstanding requests. The following AP bus attributes can be displayed: AP domain, configuration timer, poll thread status, poll timeout, and AP interrupt status.


-V, --verbose
Increases the verbose level for cryptographic adapter information. The maximum verbose level is three. At verbose level one card type and online status are displayed. At verbose level two card type, online status, hardware card type, hardware queue depth, and request count are displayed. At verbose level three card type, online status, hardware card type, hardware queue depth, request count, pending request queue count, outstanding request queue count, and installed function facilities are displayed.
<device id>
Specifies a cryptographic adapter to display. A cryptographic adapter can be specified either in decimal or hexadecimal notation using a '0x' prefix. If no adapters are specified information about all available adapters is displayed.
-b, --bus
Displays the AP bus attributes and exits.
-c, --capability <device id>
Shows the capabilities of a cryptographic adapter of hardware type 6 or higher. The capabilities of a cryptographic adapter depend on the card type and the installed function facilities. A cryptographic adapter can provide one or more of the following capabilities:
RSA 2K Clear Key
RSA 4K Clear Key
CCA Secure Key
EP11 Secure Key
Long RNG
-h, --help
Displays help text and exits.
-v, --version
Displays version information and exits.


lszcrypt -V
Displays card type and online status of all available cryptographic adapters.
lszcrypt -VV 0 1 10 12
Displays the card type in hexadecimal notation, online status, hardware card type, hardware queue depth, and request count for cryptographic adapters 0, 1, 10, and 12 in decimal notation.
lszcrypt -VVV 3 7 11
Displays the card ID and the installed function facility in hexadecimal notation, as well as card type, online status, hardware card type, hardware queue depth, request count, pending request queue count, and outstanding request queue count for cryptographic adapters 3, 7, and 11 in decimal notation.
lszcrypt -b
Displays AP bus information.
lszcrypt -c 7

Coprocessor card07 provides capability for:
CCA Secure Key
RSA 4K Clear Key
Long RNG


AUG 2008 s390-tools