.TH omp-dialog 8 User Manuals .SH NAME omp-dialog \- Dialog-based OMP tool for OpenVAS .SH SYNOPSIS \fBomp-dialog OPTIONS \f1 .SH DESCRIPTION omp-dialog is a menu-driven client interface for OMP (OpenVAS Management Protocol). It is using the "dialog" tool to build the graphical interface in your terminal. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB-h, --host=\fIHOST\fB\f1 Connect to OpenVAS Manager on host HOST. .TP \fB-p, --port=\fIPORT\fB\f1 Connect to OpenVAS Manager on port PORT. .TP \fB-u, --username=\fIUSER\fB\f1 Use the username USER to access the OpenVAS Manager. .TP \fB-w, --password=\fIPASSWORD\fB\f1 Use the password PASSWORD to access the OpenVAS Manager. If the password is not set as parameter, it will be requested interactively. .TP \fB-c, --configfile=\fIFILE\fB\f1 oad connection configuration from file FILE. The default file is ~/omp.config. .TP \fB-d, --debug\f1 Write Debug output to ./omp-dialog.log. .TP \fB-?, --help\f1 Show help. .SH EXAMPLES omp-dialog Start the dialog interface with a login dialog, because no connection information were prodived and in case the default config file does no offer adequate information. .SH SEE ALSO \fBopenvasmd(8)\f1 \fBomp(8)\f1 .SH MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE OPENVAS PROJECT The canonical places where you will find more information about the OpenVAS project are: \fBhttp://www.openvas.org/\f1 (Official site) \fBhttp://wald.intevation.org/projects/openvas/\f1 (Development Platform) .SH COPYRIGHT The omp-dialog command line client is released under the GNU GPL, version 2, or, at your option, any later version.