.TH MSTMCRA "1" "4.6.0" "" .SH NAME mstmcra \- Mellanox Configuration Registers Access tool .IP .SH SYNOPSIS .IP mstmcra [-s ] [-a ] [-v] [-h] :]|[,]> [data] If data is given, operation is write. Otherwise it is read. If a bit range is given in the address (E.G.: 0xf0014.16:8): For read - Only the requested bits are printed. For write - Read-Modify-Write. Only the requested bits are changed. If 'bytes number' is given in the address (E.G.: 0xf0014,16): For read - Will read a block (its size is the given bytes number). For write - User need to give list of dwrods to write, number of dwords should be (bytes number/4). .IP .SH OPTIONS: .TP \fB-s\fR : I2C slave address. .TP \fB-a\fR : adb dump file, used for access by path. .TP \fB-h\fR : Print this help message. .TP \fB-v\fR : Display version info .IP .SH Environment Vairables: .TP ADB_DUMP : Holds the path to adb dump, used for access by path (can be overridden by "\-a").