.TH "std::ios_base" 3cxx "Wed Feb 14 2018" "libstdc++" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME std::ios_base \- The base of the I/O class hierarchy\&. .PP This class defines everything that can be defined about I/O that does not depend on the type of characters being input or output\&. Most people will only see \fCios_base\fP when they need to specify the full name of the various I/O flags (e\&.g\&., the openmodes)\&. .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .PP Inherited by \fBstd::basic_ios< char, _Traits >\fP, and \fBstd::basic_ios< _CharT, _Traits >\fP\&. .SS "Classes" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "class \fBfailure\fP" .br .RI "These are thrown to indicate problems with io\&. .PP 27\&.4\&.2\&.1\&.1 Class ios_base::failure\&. " .in -1c .SS "Public Types" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "enum \fBevent\fP { \fBerase_event\fP, \fBimbue_event\fP, \fBcopyfmt_event\fP } .RI "The set of events that may be passed to an event callback\&. "" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef void(* \fBevent_callback\fP) (\fBevent\fP __e, \fBios_base\fP &__b, int __i)" .br .RI "The type of an event callback function\&. " .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ios_Fmtflags \fBfmtflags\fP" .br .RI "This is a bitmask type\&. " .ti -1c .RI "typedef int \fBio_state\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ios_Iostate \fBiostate\fP" .br .RI "This is a bitmask type\&. " .ti -1c .RI "typedef int \fBopen_mode\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ios_Openmode \fBopenmode\fP" .br .RI "This is a bitmask type\&. " .ti -1c .RI "typedef int \fBseek_dir\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ios_Seekdir \fBseekdir\fP" .br .RI "This is an enumerated type\&. " .ti -1c .RI "typedef \fBstd::streamoff\fP \fBstreamoff\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef \fBstd::streampos\fP \fBstreampos\fP" .br .in -1c .SS "Public Member Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "\fBios_base\fP (const \fBios_base\fP &)=delete" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual \fB~ios_base\fP ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "const \fBlocale\fP & \fB_M_getloc\fP () const" .br .RI "Locale access\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fBfmtflags\fP \fBflags\fP () const" .br .RI "Access to format flags\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fBfmtflags\fP \fBflags\fP (\fBfmtflags\fP __fmtfl)" .br .RI "Setting new format flags all at once\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fBlocale\fP \fBgetloc\fP () const" .br .RI "Locale access\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fBlocale\fP \fBimbue\fP (const \fBlocale\fP &__loc) throw ()" .br .RI "Setting a new locale\&. " .ti -1c .RI "long & \fBiword\fP (int __ix)" .br .RI "Access to integer array\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fBios_base\fP & \fBoperator=\fP (const \fBios_base\fP &)=delete" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBstreamsize\fP \fBprecision\fP () const" .br .RI "Flags access\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fBstreamsize\fP \fBprecision\fP (\fBstreamsize\fP __prec)" .br .RI "Changing flags\&. " .ti -1c .RI "void *& \fBpword\fP (int __ix)" .br .RI "Access to void pointer array\&. " .ti -1c .RI "void \fBregister_callback\fP (\fBevent_callback\fP __fn, int __index)" .br .RI "Add the callback __fn with parameter __index\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fBfmtflags\fP \fBsetf\fP (\fBfmtflags\fP __fmtfl)" .br .RI "Setting new format flags\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fBfmtflags\fP \fBsetf\fP (\fBfmtflags\fP __fmtfl, \fBfmtflags\fP __mask)" .br .RI "Setting new format flags\&. " .ti -1c .RI "void \fBunsetf\fP (\fBfmtflags\fP __mask)" .br .RI "Clearing format flags\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fBstreamsize\fP \fBwidth\fP () const" .br .RI "Flags access\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fBstreamsize\fP \fBwidth\fP (\fBstreamsize\fP __wide)" .br .RI "Changing flags\&. " .in -1c .SS "Static Public Member Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "static bool \fBsync_with_stdio\fP (bool __sync=true)" .br .RI "Interaction with the standard C I/O objects\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static int \fBxalloc\fP () throw ()" .br .RI "Access to unique indices\&. " .in -1c .SS "Static Public Attributes" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBadjustfield\fP" .br .RI "A mask of left|right|internal\&. Useful for the 2-arg form of \fCsetf\fP\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBopenmode\fP \fBapp\fP" .br .RI "Seek to end before each write\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBopenmode\fP \fBate\fP" .br .RI "Open and seek to end immediately after opening\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBiostate\fP \fBbadbit\fP" .br .RI "Indicates a loss of integrity in an input or output sequence (such as an irrecoverable read error from a file)\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBbasefield\fP" .br .RI "A mask of dec|oct|hex\&. Useful for the 2-arg form of \fCsetf\fP\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBseekdir\fP \fBbeg\fP" .br .RI "Request a seek relative to the beginning of the stream\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBopenmode\fP \fBbinary\fP" .br .RI "Perform input and output in binary mode (as opposed to text mode)\&. This is probably not what you think it is; see https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/fstreams.html#std.io.filestreams.binary\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBboolalpha\fP" .br .RI "Insert/extract \fCbool\fP in alphabetic rather than numeric format\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBseekdir\fP \fBcur\fP" .br .RI "Request a seek relative to the current position within the sequence\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBdec\fP" .br .RI "Converts integer input or generates integer output in decimal base\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBseekdir\fP \fBend\fP" .br .RI "Request a seek relative to the current end of the sequence\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBiostate\fP \fBeofbit\fP" .br .RI "Indicates that an input operation reached the end of an input sequence\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBiostate\fP \fBfailbit\fP" .br .RI "Indicates that an input operation failed to read the expected characters, or that an output operation failed to generate the desired characters\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBfixed\fP" .br .RI "Generate floating-point output in fixed-point notation\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBfloatfield\fP" .br .RI "A mask of scientific|fixed\&. Useful for the 2-arg form of \fCsetf\fP\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBiostate\fP \fBgoodbit\fP" .br .RI "Indicates all is well\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBhex\fP" .br .RI "Converts integer input or generates integer output in hexadecimal base\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBopenmode\fP \fBin\fP" .br .RI "Open for input\&. Default for \fCifstream\fP and fstream\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBinternal\fP" .br .RI "Adds fill characters at a designated internal point in certain generated output, or identical to \fCright\fP if no such point is designated\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBleft\fP" .br .RI "Adds fill characters on the right (final positions) of certain generated output\&. (I\&.e\&., the thing you print is flush left\&.) " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBoct\fP" .br .RI "Converts integer input or generates integer output in octal base\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBopenmode\fP \fBout\fP" .br .RI "Open for output\&. Default for \fCofstream\fP and fstream\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBright\fP" .br .RI "Adds fill characters on the left (initial positions) of certain generated output\&. (I\&.e\&., the thing you print is flush right\&.) " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBscientific\fP" .br .RI "Generates floating-point output in scientific notation\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBshowbase\fP" .br .RI "Generates a prefix indicating the numeric base of generated integer output\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBshowpoint\fP" .br .RI "Generates a decimal-point character unconditionally in generated floating-point output\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBshowpos\fP" .br .RI "Generates a + sign in non-negative generated numeric output\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBskipws\fP" .br .RI "Skips leading white space before certain input operations\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBopenmode\fP \fBtrunc\fP" .br .RI "Open for input\&. Default for \fCofstream\fP\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBunitbuf\fP" .br .RI "Flushes output after each output operation\&. " .ti -1c .RI "static const \fBfmtflags\fP \fBuppercase\fP" .br .RI "Replaces certain lowercase letters with their uppercase equivalents in generated output\&. " .in -1c .SS "Protected Types" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "enum { \fB_S_local_word_size\fP }" .br .in -1c .SS "Protected Member Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_call_callbacks\fP (\fBevent\fP __ev) throw ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_dispose_callbacks\fP (void) throw ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "_Words & \fB_M_grow_words\fP (int __index, bool __iword)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_init\fP () throw ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_move\fP (\fBios_base\fP &) noexcept" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_swap\fP (\fBios_base\fP &__rhs) noexcept" .br .in -1c .SS "Protected Attributes" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "_Callback_list * \fB_M_callbacks\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBiostate\fP \fB_M_exception\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBfmtflags\fP \fB_M_flags\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBlocale\fP \fB_M_ios_locale\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "_Words \fB_M_local_word\fP [_S_local_word_size]" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBstreamsize\fP \fB_M_precision\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBiostate\fP \fB_M_streambuf_state\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBstreamsize\fP \fB_M_width\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "_Words * \fB_M_word\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fB_M_word_size\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "_Words \fB_M_word_zero\fP" .br .in -1c .SH "Detailed Description" .PP The base of the I/O class hierarchy\&. .PP This class defines everything that can be defined about I/O that does not depend on the type of characters being input or output\&. Most people will only see \fCios_base\fP when they need to specify the full name of the various I/O flags (e\&.g\&., the openmodes)\&. .PP Definition at line 228 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SH "Member Typedef Documentation" .PP .SS "typedef void(* std::ios_base::event_callback) (\fBevent\fP __e, \fBios_base\fP &__b, int __i)" .PP The type of an event callback function\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__e\fP One of the members of the event enum\&. .br \fI__b\fP Reference to the ios_base object\&. .br \fI__i\fP The integer provided when the callback was registered\&. .RE .PP Event callbacks are user defined functions that get called during several ios_base and basic_ios functions, specifically imbue(), copyfmt(), and ~ios()\&. .PP Definition at line 504 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "typedef _Ios_Fmtflags std::ios_base::fmtflags" .PP This is a bitmask type\&. \fC\fI_Ios_Fmtflags\fP is\fP implementation-defined, but it is valid to perform bitwise operations on these values and expect the Right Thing to happen\&. Defined objects of type fmtflags are: .IP "\(bu" 2 boolalpha .IP "\(bu" 2 dec .IP "\(bu" 2 fixed .IP "\(bu" 2 hex .IP "\(bu" 2 internal .IP "\(bu" 2 left .IP "\(bu" 2 oct .IP "\(bu" 2 right .IP "\(bu" 2 scientific .IP "\(bu" 2 showbase .IP "\(bu" 2 showpoint .IP "\(bu" 2 showpos .IP "\(bu" 2 skipws .IP "\(bu" 2 unitbuf .IP "\(bu" 2 uppercase .IP "\(bu" 2 adjustfield .IP "\(bu" 2 basefield .IP "\(bu" 2 floatfield .PP .PP Definition at line 323 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "typedef _Ios_Iostate std::ios_base::iostate" .PP This is a bitmask type\&. \fC\fI_Ios_Iostate\fP is\fP implementation-defined, but it is valid to perform bitwise operations on these values and expect the Right Thing to happen\&. Defined objects of type iostate are: .IP "\(bu" 2 badbit .IP "\(bu" 2 eofbit .IP "\(bu" 2 failbit .IP "\(bu" 2 goodbit .PP .PP Definition at line 398 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "typedef _Ios_Openmode std::ios_base::openmode" .PP This is a bitmask type\&. \fC\fI_Ios_Openmode\fP is\fP implementation-defined, but it is valid to perform bitwise operations on these values and expect the Right Thing to happen\&. Defined objects of type openmode are: .IP "\(bu" 2 app .IP "\(bu" 2 ate .IP "\(bu" 2 binary .IP "\(bu" 2 in .IP "\(bu" 2 out .IP "\(bu" 2 trunc .PP .PP Definition at line 429 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "typedef _Ios_Seekdir std::ios_base::seekdir" .PP This is an enumerated type\&. \fC\fI_Ios_Seekdir\fP is\fP implementation-defined\&. Defined values of type seekdir are: .IP "\(bu" 2 beg .IP "\(bu" 2 cur, equivalent to \fCSEEK_CUR\fP in the C standard library\&. .IP "\(bu" 2 end, equivalent to \fCSEEK_END\fP in the C standard library\&. .PP .PP Definition at line 461 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SH "Member Enumeration Documentation" .PP .SS "enum \fBstd::ios_base::event\fP" .PP The set of events that may be passed to an event callback\&. erase_event is used during ~ios() and copyfmt()\&. imbue_event is used during imbue()\&. copyfmt_event is used during copyfmt()\&. .PP Definition at line 487 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation" .PP .SS "virtual std::ios_base::~ios_base ()\fC [virtual]\fP" Invokes each callback with erase_event\&. Destroys local storage\&. .PP Note that the ios_base object for the standard streams never gets destroyed\&. As a result, any callbacks registered with the standard streams will not get invoked with erase_event (unless copyfmt is used)\&. .SH "Member Function Documentation" .PP .SS "const \fBlocale\fP& std::ios_base::_M_getloc () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Locale access\&. .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 A reference to the current locale\&. .RE .PP Like getloc above, but returns a reference instead of generating a copy\&. .PP Definition at line 774 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_date_order(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::money_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::num_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_date(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_monthname(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_time(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_weekday(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_year(), std::time_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put(), std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::get(), and std::time_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::put()\&. .SS "\fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::flags () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Access to format flags\&. .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 The format control flags for both input and output\&. .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 619 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_ios< char, _Traits >::copyfmt(), std::mersenne_twister_engine< uint_fast32_t, 32, 624, 397, 31, 0x9908b0dfUL, 11, 0xffffffffUL, 7, 0x9d2c5680UL, 15, 0xefc60000UL, 18, 1812433253UL >::discard(), std::money_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::num_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put(), std::subtract_with_carry_engine< _UIntType, __w, __s, __r >::operator()(), std::discard_block_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r >::operator()(), std::shuffle_order_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __k >::operator()(), std::basic_ostream< char >::operator<<(), std::operator<<(), std::__detail::operator>>(), std::operator>>(), std::linear_congruential_engine< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m >::seed(), and std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::sentry::sentry()\&. .SS "\fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::flags (\fBfmtflags\fP __fmtfl)\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Setting new format flags all at once\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__fmtfl\fP The new flags to set\&. .RE .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 The previous format control flags\&. .RE .PP This function overwrites all the format flags with \fI__fmtfl\fP\&. .PP Definition at line 630 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "\fBlocale\fP std::ios_base::getloc () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Locale access\&. .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 A copy of the current locale\&. .RE .PP If \fCimbue(loc)\fP has previously been called, then this function returns \fCloc\fP\&. Otherwise, it returns a copy of \fCstd::locale()\fP, the global C++ locale\&. .PP Definition at line 763 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_ios< char, _Traits >::copyfmt(), std::money_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put(), and std::ws()\&. .SS "\fBlocale\fP std::ios_base::imbue (const \fBlocale\fP & __loc)" .PP Setting a new locale\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__loc\fP The new locale\&. .RE .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 The previous locale\&. .RE .PP Sets the new locale for this stream, and then invokes each callback with imbue_event\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_ios< char, _Traits >::imbue()\&. .SS "long& std::ios_base::iword (int __ix)\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Access to integer array\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__ix\fP Index into the array\&. .RE .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 A reference to an integer associated with the index\&. .RE .PP The iword function provides access to an array of integers that can be used for any purpose\&. The array grows as required to hold the supplied index\&. All integers in the array are initialized to 0\&. .PP The implementation reserves several indices\&. You should use xalloc to obtain an index that is safe to use\&. Also note that since the array can grow dynamically, it is not safe to hold onto the reference\&. .PP Definition at line 809 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "\fBstreamsize\fP std::ios_base::precision () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Flags access\&. .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 The precision to generate on certain output operations\&. .RE .PP Be careful if you try to give a definition of \fIprecision\fP here; see DR 189\&. .PP Definition at line 689 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_ios< char, _Traits >::copyfmt()\&. .SS "\fBstreamsize\fP std::ios_base::precision (\fBstreamsize\fP __prec)\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Changing flags\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__prec\fP The new precision value\&. .RE .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 The previous value of precision()\&. .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 698 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "void*& std::ios_base::pword (int __ix)\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Access to void pointer array\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__ix\fP Index into the array\&. .RE .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 A reference to a void* associated with the index\&. .RE .PP The pword function provides access to an array of pointers that can be used for any purpose\&. The array grows as required to hold the supplied index\&. All pointers in the array are initialized to 0\&. .PP The implementation reserves several indices\&. You should use xalloc to obtain an index that is safe to use\&. Also note that since the array can grow dynamically, it is not safe to hold onto the reference\&. .PP Definition at line 830 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "void std::ios_base::register_callback (\fBevent_callback\fP __fn, int __index)" .PP Add the callback __fn with parameter __index\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__fn\fP The function to add\&. .br \fI__index\fP The integer to pass to the function when invoked\&. .RE .PP Registers a function as an event callback with an integer parameter to be passed to the function when invoked\&. Multiple copies of the function are allowed\&. If there are multiple callbacks, they are invoked in the order they were registered\&. .SS "\fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::setf (\fBfmtflags\fP __fmtfl)\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Setting new format flags\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__fmtfl\fP Additional flags to set\&. .RE .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 The previous format control flags\&. .RE .PP This function sets additional flags in format control\&. Flags that were previously set remain set\&. .PP Definition at line 646 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::__detail::operator>>()\&. .SS "\fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::setf (\fBfmtflags\fP __fmtfl, \fBfmtflags\fP __mask)\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Setting new format flags\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__fmtfl\fP Additional flags to set\&. .br \fI__mask\fP The flags mask for \fIfmtfl\fP\&. .RE .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 The previous format control flags\&. .RE .PP This function clears \fImask\fP in the format flags, then sets \fIfmtfl\fP \fC&\fP \fImask\fP\&. An example mask is \fCios_base::adjustfield\fP\&. .PP Definition at line 663 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "static bool std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio (bool __sync = \fCtrue\fP)\fC [static]\fP" .PP Interaction with the standard C I/O objects\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__sync\fP Whether to synchronize or not\&. .RE .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 True if the standard streams were previously synchronized\&. .RE .PP The synchronization referred to is \fIonly\fP that between the standard C facilities (e\&.g\&., stdout) and the standard C++ objects (e\&.g\&., cout)\&. User-declared streams are unaffected\&. See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/fstreams.html#std.io.filestreams.binary .SS "void std::ios_base::unsetf (\fBfmtflags\fP __mask)\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Clearing format flags\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__mask\fP The flags to unset\&. .RE .PP This function clears \fI__mask\fP in the format flags\&. .PP Definition at line 678 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "\fBstreamsize\fP std::ios_base::width () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Flags access\&. .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 The minimum field width to generate on output operations\&. .RE .PP \fIMinimum field width\fP refers to the number of characters\&. .PP Definition at line 712 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_ios< char, _Traits >::copyfmt(), std::money_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), and std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put()\&. .SS "\fBstreamsize\fP std::ios_base::width (\fBstreamsize\fP __wide)\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Changing flags\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fI__wide\fP The new width value\&. .RE .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 The previous value of width()\&. .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 721 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "static int std::ios_base::xalloc ()\fC [static]\fP" .PP Access to unique indices\&. .PP \fBReturns:\fP .RS 4 An integer different from all previous calls\&. .RE .PP This function returns a unique integer every time it is called\&. It can be used for any purpose, but is primarily intended to be a unique index for the iword and pword functions\&. The expectation is that an application calls xalloc in order to obtain an index in the iword and pword arrays that can be used without fear of conflict\&. .PP The implementation maintains a static variable that is incremented and returned on each invocation\&. xalloc is guaranteed to return an index that is safe to use in the iword and pword arrays\&. .SH "Member Data Documentation" .PP .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::adjustfield\fC [static]\fP" .PP A mask of left|right|internal\&. Useful for the 2-arg form of \fCsetf\fP\&. .PP Definition at line 378 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::money_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), and std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put()\&. .SS "const \fBopenmode\fP std::ios_base::app\fC [static]\fP" .PP Seek to end before each write\&. .PP Definition at line 432 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBopenmode\fP std::ios_base::ate\fC [static]\fP" .PP Open and seek to end immediately after opening\&. .PP Definition at line 435 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBiostate\fP std::ios_base::badbit\fC [static]\fP" .PP Indicates a loss of integrity in an input or output sequence (such as an irrecoverable read error from a file)\&. .PP Definition at line 402 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_ios< char, _Traits >::bad(), std::basic_ios< char, _Traits >::fail(), and std::operator<<()\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::basefield\fC [static]\fP" .PP A mask of dec|oct|hex\&. Useful for the 2-arg form of \fCsetf\fP\&. .PP Definition at line 381 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::num_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put(), and std::basic_ostream< char >::operator<<()\&. .SS "const \fBseekdir\fP std::ios_base::beg\fC [static]\fP" .PP Request a seek relative to the beginning of the stream\&. .PP Definition at line 464 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_cxx::stdio_sync_filebuf< _CharT, _Traits >::sync()\&. .SS "const \fBopenmode\fP std::ios_base::binary\fC [static]\fP" .PP Perform input and output in binary mode (as opposed to text mode)\&. This is probably not what you think it is; see https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/fstreams.html#std.io.filestreams.binary\&. .PP Definition at line 440 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::boolalpha\fC [static]\fP" .PP Insert/extract \fCbool\fP in alphabetic rather than numeric format\&. .PP Definition at line 326 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::num_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), and std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put()\&. .SS "const \fBseekdir\fP std::ios_base::cur\fC [static]\fP" .PP Request a seek relative to the current position within the sequence\&. .PP Definition at line 467 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::seekoff(), and __gnu_cxx::stdio_sync_filebuf< _CharT, _Traits >::sync()\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::dec\fC [static]\fP" .PP Converts integer input or generates integer output in decimal base\&. .PP Definition at line 329 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBseekdir\fP std::ios_base::end\fC [static]\fP" .PP Request a seek relative to the current end of the sequence\&. .PP Definition at line 470 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::seekoff()\&. .SS "const \fBiostate\fP std::ios_base::eofbit\fC [static]\fP" .PP Indicates that an input operation reached the end of an input sequence\&. .PP Definition at line 405 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::num_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_date(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_monthname(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_time(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_weekday(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_year(), std::basic_ios< char, _Traits >::eof(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::get(), std::basic_istream< char >::putback(), std::basic_istream< char >::seekg(), std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::sentry::sentry(), std::basic_istream< char >::unget(), and std::ws()\&. .SS "const \fBiostate\fP std::ios_base::failbit\fC [static]\fP" .PP Indicates that an input operation failed to read the expected characters, or that an output operation failed to generate the desired characters\&. .PP Definition at line 410 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_date_order(), std::num_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_monthname(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_weekday(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_year(), std::basic_ios< char, _Traits >::fail(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::get(), std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >::sentry::sentry(), and std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::sentry::sentry()\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::fixed\fC [static]\fP" .PP Generate floating-point output in fixed-point notation\&. .PP Definition at line 332 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::floatfield\fC [static]\fP" .PP A mask of scientific|fixed\&. Useful for the 2-arg form of \fCsetf\fP\&. .PP Definition at line 384 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBiostate\fP std::ios_base::goodbit\fC [static]\fP" .PP Indicates all is well\&. .PP Definition at line 413 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_date_order(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::num_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_monthname(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_weekday(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get_year(), std::basic_ostream< char >::flush(), std::basic_istream< char >::get(), std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >::get(), std::basic_istream< char >::getline(), std::basic_istream< char >::ignore(), std::basic_ostream< char >::operator<<(), std::basic_istream< char >::operator>>(), std::operator>>(), std::basic_istream< char >::peek(), std::basic_ostream< char >::put(), std::basic_istream< char >::putback(), std::basic_ios< char, _Traits >::rdstate(), std::basic_istream< char >::read(), std::basic_istream< char >::readsome(), std::basic_istream< char >::seekg(), std::basic_ostream< char >::seekp(), std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >::sentry::sentry(), std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::sentry::sentry(), std::basic_istream< char >::sync(), and std::basic_istream< char >::unget()\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::hex\fC [static]\fP" .PP Converts integer input or generates integer output in hexadecimal base\&. .PP Definition at line 335 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::num_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put(), and std::basic_ostream< char >::operator<<()\&. .SS "const \fBopenmode\fP std::ios_base::in\fC [static]\fP" .PP Open for input\&. Default for \fCifstream\fP and fstream\&. .PP Definition at line 443 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::seekoff(), std::basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::seekpos(), __gnu_cxx::stdio_sync_filebuf< _CharT, _Traits >::sync(), and std::basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::underflow()\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::internal\fC [static]\fP" .PP Adds fill characters at a designated internal point in certain generated output, or identical to \fCright\fP if no such point is designated\&. .PP Definition at line 340 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::money_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get()\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::left\fC [static]\fP" .PP Adds fill characters on the right (final positions) of certain generated output\&. (I\&.e\&., the thing you print is flush left\&.) .PP Definition at line 344 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::money_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), and std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put()\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::oct\fC [static]\fP" .PP Converts integer input or generates integer output in octal base\&. .PP Definition at line 347 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_ostream< char >::operator<<()\&. .SS "const \fBopenmode\fP std::ios_base::out\fC [static]\fP" .PP Open for output\&. Default for \fCofstream\fP and fstream\&. .PP Definition at line 446 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::overflow(), std::basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::pbackfail(), std::basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::seekoff(), std::basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::seekpos(), and __gnu_cxx::stdio_sync_filebuf< _CharT, _Traits >::sync()\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::right\fC [static]\fP" .PP Adds fill characters on the left (initial positions) of certain generated output\&. (I\&.e\&., the thing you print is flush right\&.) .PP Definition at line 351 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::scientific\fC [static]\fP" .PP Generates floating-point output in scientific notation\&. .PP Definition at line 354 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::showbase\fC [static]\fP" .PP Generates a prefix indicating the numeric base of generated integer output\&. .PP Definition at line 358 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::money_get< _CharT, _InIter >::do_get(), and std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put()\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::showpoint\fC [static]\fP" .PP Generates a decimal-point character unconditionally in generated floating-point output\&. .PP Definition at line 362 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::showpos\fC [static]\fP" .PP Generates a + sign in non-negative generated numeric output\&. .PP Definition at line 365 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::skipws\fC [static]\fP" .PP Skips leading white space before certain input operations\&. .PP Definition at line 368 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::sentry::sentry()\&. .SS "const \fBopenmode\fP std::ios_base::trunc\fC [static]\fP" .PP Open for input\&. Default for \fCofstream\fP\&. .PP Definition at line 449 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::unitbuf\fC [static]\fP" .PP Flushes output after each output operation\&. .PP Definition at line 371 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .SS "const \fBfmtflags\fP std::ios_base::uppercase\fC [static]\fP" .PP Replaces certain lowercase letters with their uppercase equivalents in generated output\&. .PP Definition at line 375 of file ios_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >::do_put()\&. .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code\&.