.TH "__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iterator, _Sequence >" 3cxx "Wed Feb 14 2018" "libstdc++" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iterator, _Sequence > \- Safe iterator wrapper\&. .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .PP Inherits _Iterator, and \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base\fP\&. .SS "Public Types" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Traits::difference_type \fBdifference_type\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Traits::iterator_category \fBiterator_category\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Iterator \fBiterator_type\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Traits::pointer \fBpointer\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Traits::reference \fBreference\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Traits::value_type \fBvalue_type\fP" .br .in -1c .SS "Public Member Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP () noexcept" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP (const _Iterator &__i, const \fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP *__seq) noexcept" .br .RI "Safe iterator construction from an unsafe iterator and its sequence\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP (const \fB_Safe_iterator\fP &__x) noexcept" .br .RI "Copy construction\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP (\fB_Safe_iterator\fP &&__x) noexcept" .br .RI "Move construction\&. " .ti -1c .RI "template \fB_Safe_iterator\fP (const \fB_Safe_iterator\fP< _MutableIterator, typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<(std::__are_same< _MutableIterator, typename _Sequence::iterator::iterator_type >::__value), _Sequence >::__type > &__x) noexcept" .br .RI "Converting constructor from a mutable iterator to a constant iterator\&. " .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_attach\fP (\fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP *__seq, bool __constant)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_attach\fP (\fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP *__seq)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_attach_single\fP (\fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP *__seq, bool __constant) throw ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_attach_single\fP (\fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP *__seq)" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_attached_to\fP (const \fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP *__seq) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_before_dereferenceable\fP () const" .br .RI "Is the iterator before a dereferenceable one? " .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_can_advance\fP (const difference_type &__n) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_can_compare\fP (const \fB_Safe_iterator_base\fP &__x) const throw ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_decrementable\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_dereferenceable\fP () const" .br .RI "Is the iterator dereferenceable? " .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_detach\fP ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_detach_single\fP () throw ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type< std::__are_same< _Const_iterator, \fB_Safe_iterator\fP >::__value, const _Sequence *, _Sequence * >::__type \fB_M_get_sequence\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_incrementable\fP () const" .br .RI "Is the iterator incrementable? " .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_invalidate\fP ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_is_before_begin\fP () const" .br .RI "Is this iterator equal to the sequence's before_begin() iterator if any? " .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_is_begin\fP () const" .br .RI "Is this iterator equal to the sequence's begin() iterator? " .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_is_beginnest\fP () const" .br .RI "Is this iterator equal to the sequence's before_begin() iterator if any or begin() otherwise? " .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_is_end\fP () const" .br .RI "Is this iterator equal to the sequence's end() iterator? " .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_reset\fP () throw ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_singular\fP () const throw ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fB_M_unlink\fP () throw ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fB_M_valid_range\fP (const \fB_Safe_iterator\fP &__rhs, \fBstd::pair\fP< difference_type, \fB_Distance_precision\fP > &__dist, bool \fB__check_dereferenceable\fP=true) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "_Iterator & \fBbase\fP () noexcept" .br .RI "Return the underlying iterator\&. " .ti -1c .RI "const _Iterator & \fBbase\fP () const noexcept" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBoperator _Iterator\fP () const noexcept" .br .RI "Conversion to underlying non-debug iterator to allow better interaction with non-debug containers\&. " .ti -1c .RI "reference \fBoperator*\fP () const noexcept" .br .RI "Iterator dereference\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP \fBoperator+\fP (const difference_type &__n) const noexcept" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP & \fBoperator++\fP () noexcept" .br .RI "Iterator preincrement\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP \fBoperator++\fP (int) noexcept" .br .RI "Iterator postincrement\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP & \fBoperator+=\fP (const difference_type &__n) noexcept" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP \fBoperator\-\fP (const difference_type &__n) const noexcept" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP & \fBoperator\-\-\fP () noexcept" .br .RI "Iterator predecrement\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP \fBoperator\-\-\fP (int) noexcept" .br .RI "Iterator postdecrement\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP & \fBoperator\-=\fP (const difference_type &__n) noexcept" .br .ti -1c .RI "pointer \fBoperator\->\fP () const noexcept" .br .RI "Iterator dereference\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP & \fBoperator=\fP (const \fB_Safe_iterator\fP &__x) noexcept" .br .RI "Copy assignment\&. " .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator\fP & \fBoperator=\fP (\fB_Safe_iterator\fP &&__x) noexcept" .br .RI "Move assignment\&. " .ti -1c .RI "reference \fBoperator[]\fP (const difference_type &__n) const noexcept" .br .in -1c .SS "Public Attributes" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator_base\fP * \fB_M_next\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_iterator_base\fP * \fB_M_prior\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP * \fB_M_sequence\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "unsigned int \fB_M_version\fP" .br .in -1c .SS "Protected Member Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "__gnu_cxx::__mutex & \fB_M_get_mutex\fP () throw ()" .br .in -1c .SH "Detailed Description" .PP .SS "template .br class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iterator, _Sequence >" Safe iterator wrapper\&. The class template _Safe_iterator is a wrapper around an iterator that tracks the iterator's movement among sequences and checks that operations performed on the 'safe' iterator are legal\&. In additional to the basic iterator operations (which are validated, and then passed to the underlying iterator), _Safe_iterator has member functions for iterator invalidation, attaching/detaching the iterator from sequences, and querying the iterator's state\&. .PP Note that _Iterator must be the first base class so that it gets initialized before the iterator is being attached to the container's list of iterators and it is being detached before _Iterator get destroyed\&. Otherwise it would result in a data race\&. .PP Definition at line 56 of file formatter\&.h\&. .SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation" .PP .SS "template \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::\fB_Safe_iterator\fP ()\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP \fBPostcondition:\fP .RS 4 the iterator is singular and unattached .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 119 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::\fB_Safe_iterator\fP (const _Iterator & __i, const \fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP * __seq)\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Safe iterator construction from an unsafe iterator and its sequence\&. .PP \fBPrecondition:\fP .RS 4 \fCseq\fP is not NULL .RE .PP \fBPostcondition:\fP .RS 4 this is not singular .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 128 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::\fB_Safe_iterator\fP (const \fB_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence > & __x)\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Copy construction\&. .PP Definition at line 140 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::\fB_Safe_iterator\fP (\fB_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence > && __x)\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Move construction\&. .PP \fBPostcondition:\fP .RS 4 __x is singular and unattached .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 158 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template template \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::\fB_Safe_iterator\fP (const \fB_Safe_iterator\fP< _MutableIterator, typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<(std::__are_same< _MutableIterator, typename _Sequence::iterator::iterator_type >::__value), _Sequence >::__type > & __x)\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Converting constructor from a mutable iterator to a constant iterator\&. .PP Definition at line 178 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SH "Member Function Documentation" .PP .SS "void __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_attach (\fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP * __seq, bool __constant)\fC [inherited]\fP" Attaches this iterator to the given sequence, detaching it from whatever sequence it was attached to originally\&. If the new sequence is the NULL pointer, the iterator is left unattached\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence_base::_M_invalidate_all(), and __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_Safe_iterator_base()\&. .SS "template void \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_attach (\fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP * __seq)\fC [inline]\fP" Attach iterator to the given sequence\&. .PP Definition at line 417 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "void __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_attach_single (\fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP * __seq, bool __constant)\fC [inherited]\fP" Likewise, but not thread-safe\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence_base::_M_invalidate_all(), and __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_Safe_iterator_base()\&. .SS "template void \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_attach_single (\fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP * __seq)\fC [inline]\fP" Likewise, but not thread-safe\&. .PP Definition at line 422 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "bool __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_attached_to (const \fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP * __seq) const\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [inherited]\fP" Determines if we are attached to the given sequence\&. .PP Definition at line 129 of file safe_base\&.h\&. .PP References __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_can_compare(), and __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_singular()\&. .SS "template bool \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_before_dereferenceable () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Is the iterator before a dereferenceable one? .PP Definition at line 432 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "bool __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_can_compare (const \fB_Safe_iterator_base\fP & __x) const\fC [inherited]\fP" Can we compare this iterator to the given iterator \fC__x\fP? Returns true if both iterators are nonsingular and reference the same sequence\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_attached_to()\&. .SS "template bool \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_dereferenceable () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Is the iterator dereferenceable? .PP Definition at line 427 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::__check_dereferenceable()\&. .SS "void __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_detach ()\fC [inherited]\fP" Detach the iterator for whatever sequence it is attached to, if any\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence_base::_M_invalidate_all(), and __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_Safe_iterator_base()\&. .SS "void __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_detach_single ()\fC [inherited]\fP" Likewise, but not thread-safe\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence_base::_M_invalidate_all(), __gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence< map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > >::_M_transfer_from_if(), and __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_Safe_iterator_base()\&. .SS "__gnu_cxx::__mutex& __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_get_mutex ()\fC [protected]\fP, \fC [inherited]\fP" For use in _Safe_iterator\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_Safe_iterator_base(), and __gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence_base::~_Safe_sequence_base()\&. .SS "template bool \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_incrementable () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Is the iterator incrementable? .PP Definition at line 444 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .PP References __gnu_debug::__check_dereferenceable()\&. .SS "void __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_invalidate ()\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [inherited]\fP" Invalidate the iterator, making it singular\&. .PP Definition at line 144 of file safe_base\&.h\&. .PP References __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_reset()\&. .SS "template bool \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_is_before_begin () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Is this iterator equal to the sequence's before_begin() iterator if any? .PP Definition at line 483 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::__get_distance()\&. .SS "template bool \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_is_begin () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Is this iterator equal to the sequence's begin() iterator? .PP Definition at line 472 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::__get_distance()\&. .SS "template bool \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_is_beginnest () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Is this iterator equal to the sequence's before_begin() iterator if any or begin() otherwise? .PP Definition at line 489 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template bool \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_is_end () const\fC [inline]\fP" .PP Is this iterator equal to the sequence's end() iterator? .PP Definition at line 477 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::__get_distance()\&. .SS "void __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_reset ()\fC [inherited]\fP" Reset all member variables .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_invalidate()\&. .SS "bool __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_singular () const\fC [inherited]\fP" Is this iterator singular? .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::__check_singular_aux(), __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_attached_to(), __gnu_debug::_Safe_local_iterator< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_dereferenceable(), and __gnu_debug::_Safe_local_iterator< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_incrementable()\&. .SS "void __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_unlink ()\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [inherited]\fP" Unlink itself .PP Definition at line 153 of file safe_base\&.h\&. .SS "template _Iterator& \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::base ()\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Return the underlying iterator\&. .PP Definition at line 404 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::__get_distance()\&. .SS "template \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::operator _Iterator () const\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Conversion to underlying non-debug iterator to allow better interaction with non-debug containers\&. .PP Definition at line 413 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template reference \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::operator* () const\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Iterator dereference\&. .PP \fBPrecondition:\fP .RS 4 iterator is dereferenceable .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 266 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template \fB_Safe_iterator\fP& \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::operator++ ()\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Iterator preincrement\&. .PP \fBPrecondition:\fP .RS 4 iterator is incrementable .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 294 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template \fB_Safe_iterator\fP \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::operator++ (int)\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Iterator postincrement\&. .PP \fBPrecondition:\fP .RS 4 iterator is incrementable .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 309 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template \fB_Safe_iterator\fP& \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::operator\-\- ()\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Iterator predecrement\&. .PP \fBPrecondition:\fP .RS 4 iterator is decrementable .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 324 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template \fB_Safe_iterator\fP \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::operator\-\- (int)\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Iterator postdecrement\&. .PP \fBPrecondition:\fP .RS 4 iterator is decrementable .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 339 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template pointer \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::operator\-> () const\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Iterator dereference\&. .PP \fBPrecondition:\fP .RS 4 iterator is dereferenceable .RE .PP \fBTodo\fP .RS 4 Make this correct w\&.r\&.t\&. iterators that return proxies .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 280 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template \fB_Safe_iterator\fP& \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::operator= (const \fB_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence > & __x)\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Copy assignment\&. .PP Definition at line 199 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SS "template \fB_Safe_iterator\fP& \fB__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence >::operator= (\fB_Safe_iterator\fP< _Iterator, _Sequence > && __x)\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [noexcept]\fP" .PP Move assignment\&. .PP \fBPostcondition:\fP .RS 4 __x is singular and unattached .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 231 of file safe_iterator\&.h\&. .SH "Member Data Documentation" .PP .SS "\fB_Safe_iterator_base\fP* __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_next\fC [inherited]\fP" Pointer to the next iterator in the sequence's list of iterators\&. Only valid when _M_sequence != NULL\&. .PP Definition at line 72 of file safe_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence< map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > >::_M_transfer_from_if()\&. .SS "\fB_Safe_iterator_base\fP* __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_prior\fC [inherited]\fP" Pointer to the previous iterator in the sequence's list of iterators\&. Only valid when _M_sequence != NULL\&. .PP Definition at line 68 of file safe_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence< map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > >::_M_transfer_from_if()\&. .SS "\fB_Safe_sequence_base\fP* __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_sequence\fC [inherited]\fP" The sequence this iterator references; may be NULL to indicate a singular iterator\&. .PP Definition at line 55 of file safe_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_local_iterator< _Iterator, _Sequence >::_M_incrementable(), __gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence< map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > >::_M_transfer_from_if(), __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_Safe_iterator_base(), and __gnu_debug::_Safe_local_iterator_base::_Safe_local_iterator_base()\&. .SS "unsigned int __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_version\fC [inherited]\fP" The version number of this iterator\&. The sentinel value 0 is used to indicate an invalidated iterator (i\&.e\&., one that is singular because of an operation on the container)\&. This version number must equal the version number in the sequence referenced by _M_sequence for the iterator to be non-singular\&. .PP Definition at line 64 of file safe_base\&.h\&. .PP Referenced by __gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence< map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > >::_M_transfer_from_if()\&. .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code\&.