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GCALCLI(1) User Commands GCALCLI(1)


gcalcli - Google Calendar Command Line Interface


gcalcli [options] command [command args or options]


gcalcli is a Python application that allows you to access your Google Calendar from a command line. It's easy to get your agenda, search for events, and quickly add new events. Additionally gcalcli can be used as a reminder service to execute any application you want.


list all calendars
search <text> [start] [end]
search for events within an optional time period - case insensitive search terms to find events that
match these terms in any field, like traditional
Google search with quotes, exclusion, etc.
- for example to get just games: "soccer -practice"
- [start] and [end] use the same formats as agenda
agenda [start] [end]
get an agenda for a time period - start time default is 12am today - end time default is 5 days from start - example time strings:
'24/09/2007' '24/9/07' 'Sep 24 2007 3:30pm' '2007-09-24T15:30' '2007-09-24T15:30-8:00' '20070924T15' '8am'
calw <weeks> [start]
get a week based agenda in a nice calendar format - weeks is the number of weeks to display - start time default is beginning of this week - note that all events for the week(s) are displayed
calm [start]
get a month agenda in a nice calendar format - start time default is the beginning of this month - note that all events for the month are displayed
and only one month will be displayed
quick <text>
quick add an event to a calendar - a single --calendar must specified - the "--details url" option will show the event link - example text:
'Dinner with Eric 7pm tomorrow'
'5pm 10/31 Trick or Treat'
add a detailed event to a calendar - a single --calendar must specified - the "--details url" option will show the event link - example:
gcalcli --calendar 'Eric Davis'
--title 'Analysis of Algorithms Final' --where UCI --when '12/14/2012 10:00' --who '' --who '' --duration 60 --description 'It is going to be hard!' --reminder 30 add
delete <text> [start] [end]
delete event(s) within the optional time period - case insensitive search terms to find and delete
events, just like the 'search' command
- deleting is interactive
use the --iamaexpert option to auto delete
- use the --details options to show event details
- [start] and [end] use the same formats as agenda
edit <text>
edit event(s) - case insensitive search terms to find and edit
events, just like the 'search' command
- editing is interactive
import [file]
import an ics/vcal file to a calendar - a single --calendar must specified - if a file is not specified then the data is read
from standard input
- if -v is given then each event in the file is
displayed and you're given the option to import
or skip it, by default everything is imported quietly without any interaction
- if -d is given then each event in the file is
displayed and is not imported, a --calendar does not need to be specified for this option
remind <mins> <command>
execute command if event occurs within <mins> minutes time ('%s' in <command> is replaced with event start time and title text) - <mins> default is 10 - default command:
'notify-send -u critical -a gcalcli %s'


--[no]allday: If --allday is given, the event will be an all-day event

(possibly multi-day if --duration is greater than 1). The time part of the --when will be ignored. (default: 'false')

--[no]cache: Execute command without using cache

(default: 'true')

--calendar: Which calendars to use;

repeat this option to specify a list of values (default: '[]')

--client_id: API client_id

(default: '')

--client_secret: API client_secret

(default: '3tZSxItw6_VnZMezQwC8lUqy')

--[no]color: Enable/Disable all color output

(default: 'true')

--color_border: Color of line borders

(default: 'white')

--color_date: Color for the date

(default: 'yellow')

--color_freebusy: Color for free/busy calendars

(default: 'default')

--color_now_marker: Color for the now marker

(default: 'brightred')

--color_owner: Color for owned calendars

(default: 'cyan')

--color_reader: Color for read-only calendars

(default: 'magenta')

--color_writer: Color for writable calendars

(default: 'green')

--configFolder: Optional directory to load/store all configuration information

--[no]conky: Use Conky color codes

(default: 'false')

--[no]declined: Show events that have been declined

(default: 'true')

--defaultCalendar: Optional default calendar to use if no --calendar options

are given; repeat this option to specify a list of values (default: '[]')

--[no]default_reminders: If no --reminder is given, use the defaults. If this

is false, do not create any reminders. (default: 'true')

--description: Event description

--[no]detail_all: Display all details

(default: 'false')

--[no]detail_attachments: Display event attachments

(default: 'false')

--[no]detail_attendees: Display event attendees

(default: 'false')

--[no]detail_calendar: Display calendar name

(default: 'false')

--[no]detail_description: Display description

(default: 'false')

--detail_description_width: Set description width

(default: '80') (an integer)

--[no]detail_email: Display creator email

(default: 'false')

--[no]detail_length: Display length of event

(default: 'false')

--[no]detail_location: Display event location

(default: 'false')

--[no]detail_reminders: Display reminders

(default: 'false')

--detail_url: <long|short>: Set URL output

--details: Which parts to display, can be: 'all', 'calendar', 'location',

'length', 'reminders', 'description', 'longurl', 'shorturl', 'url', 'attendees', 'email'; repeat this option to specify a list of values (default: '[]')

-d,--[no]dump: Print events and don't import

(default: 'false')

--duration: Event duration in minutes or days if --allday is given.

(an integer)

--flagfile: Insert flag definitions from the given file into the command line.

(default: '')

--[no]help: Show this help

--[no]helpshort: Show command help only

--[no]helpxml: like --help, but generates XML output

--[no]iamaexpert: Probably not

(default: 'false')

--[no]includeRc: Whether to include ~/.gcalclirc when using configFolder

(default: 'false')

--[no]lineart: Enable/Disable line art

(default: 'true')

--locale: System locale

--[no]military: Use 24 hour display

(default: 'false')

--[no]monday: Start the week on Monday

(default: 'false')

--[no]prompt: Prompt for missing data when adding events

(default: 'true')

--[no]refresh: Delete and refresh cached data

(default: 'false')

--reminder: Reminders in the form 'TIME METH' or 'TIME'. TIME is a number

which may be followed by an optional 'w', 'd', 'h', or 'm' (meaning weeks, days, hours, minutes) and default to minutes. METH is a string 'popup', 'email', or 'sms' and defaults to popup.; repeat this option to specify a list of values (default: '[]')

--[no]started: Show events that have started

(default: 'true')

--title: Event title

--[no]tsv: Use Tab Separated Value output

(default: 'false')

--undefok: comma-separated list of flag names that it is okay to specify on

the command line even if the program does not define a flag with that name. IMPORTANT: flags in this list that have arguments MUST use the --flag=value format. (default: '')

--[no]use_reminders: Honour the remind time when running remind command

(default: 'false')

-v,--[no]verbose: Be verbose on imports

(default: 'false')

--[no]version: Show the version and exit

(default: 'false')

--when: Event time

--where: Event location

--who: Event attendees;

repeat this option to specify a list of values (default: '[]')

-w,--width: Set output width

(default: '10') (an integer)
September 2016 gcalcli v3.4.0 (Eric Davis, Brian Hartvigsen)