.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.3. .TH EUCA-DESCRIBE-NETWORK-INTERFACES "1" "March 2016" "euca2ools 3.3" "User Commands" .SH NAME euca-describe-network-interfaces \- Show information about VPC network interfaces .SH SYNOPSIS euca\-describe\-network\-interfaces [\-\-show\-empty\-fields] [\-U URL] .TP [\-\-region USER@REGION] [\-I KEY_ID] [\-S KEY] [\-\-security\-token TOKEN] [\-\-filter NAME=VALUE] [\-\-debug] [\-\-debugger] [\-\-version] [\-h] [INTERFACE [INTERFACE ...]] .SH DESCRIPTION Show information about VPC network interfaces .SS "positional arguments:" .TP INTERFACE limit results to specific network interfaces .SS "optional arguments:" .TP \fB\-\-show\-empty\-fields\fR show empty values as "(nil)" .TP \fB\-U\fR URL, \fB\-\-url\fR URL compute service endpoint URL .TP \fB\-\-region\fR USER@REGION region and/or user names to search when looking up config file data .HP \fB\-I\fR KEY_ID, \fB\-\-access\-key\-id\fR KEY_ID .HP \fB\-S\fR KEY, \fB\-\-secret\-key\fR KEY .HP \fB\-\-security\-token\fR TOKEN .TP \fB\-\-filter\fR NAME=VALUE restrict results to those that meet criteria .TP \fB\-\-debug\fR show debugging output .TP \fB\-\-debugger\fR launch interactive debugger on error .TP \fB\-\-version\fR show the program's version and exit .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR show this help message and exit .SS "allowed filter names:" .TP addresses.private\-ip\-addresses the interface's private IP addresses .TP addresses.primary whether the private IP address is the network interface's primary IP address .TP addresses.association.public\-ip association ID for the network interface's elastic IP address .TP addresses.association.owner\-id owner ID of the addresses associated with the network interface .TP association.association\-id association ID of the network interface's IP Address .TP association.allocation\-id allocation ID of the network interface's elastic IP address .TP association.ip\-owner\-id owner ID of the network interface's elastic IP address .TP association.public\-ip network interface's elastic IP address .TP association.public\-dns\-name network interface's public DNS name .TP attachment.attachment\-id ID of the network interface's attachment .TP attachment.instance\-id ID of the instance the network interface is attached to .TP attachment.instance\-owner\-id owner ID of the instance the network interface is attached to .TP attachment.device\-index device index to which the network interface is attached .TP attachment.status attachment status (attaching, attached, detaching, detached) .TP attachment.attach.time time the network interface was attached .TP attachment.delete\-on\-termination whether the attachment will be deleted when the associated instance is terminated .TP availability\-zone availability zone in which the network interface resides .TP description network interface's description .TP group\-id ID of a security group associated with the network interface .TP group\-name name of a security group associated with the network interface .TP mac\-address MAC (hardware) address .TP network\-interface\-id ID of the network interface .TP owner\-id account ID of the network interface's owner .TP private\-ip\-address the network interface's private address(es) .TP private\-dns\-name the network interface's private DNS name .TP requester\-id ID of the entity that created the network interface .TP requester\-managed whether the network interface is being managed by one of the cloud's services .TP source\-dest\-check whether the network interface's traffic is subject to source/destination address checking .TP status the interface's status (available, in\-use) .TP subnet\-id ID of the subnet in which the network interface resides .TP tag\-key key of a tag assigned to the network interface .TP tag\-value value of a tag assigned to the network interface .TP tag:KEY specific tag key/value combination .TP vpc\-id ID of the VPC in which the network interface resides