.TH wxListCtrl 3erl "wx 1.8" "" "Erlang Module Definition" .SH NAME wxListCtrl \- See external documentation: wxListCtrl. .SH DESCRIPTION .LP See external documentation: wxListCtrl\&. .LP This class is derived (and can use functions) from: .br \fBwxControl\fR\& .br \fBwxWindow\fR\& .br \fBwxEvtHandler\fR\& .SH "DATA TYPES" .RS 2 .TP 2 .B wxListCtrl(): .RS 2 .LP An object reference, The representation is internal and can be changed without notice\&. It can\&'t be used for comparsion stored on disc or distributed for use on other nodes\&. .RE .RE .SH EXPORTS .LP .B new() -> \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B new(Parent) -> \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Parent = \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .RE .LP .B new(Parent, Options::[Option]) -> \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Parent = \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br Option = {winid, integer()} | {pos, {X::integer(), Y::integer()}} | {size, {W::integer(), H::integer()}} | {style, integer()} | {validator, \fBwx:wx_object()\fR\&} | {onGetItemText, function()} | {onGetItemAttr, function()} | {onGetItemColumnImage, function()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Creates a listctrl with optional callback functions: .LP OnGetItemText = (This, Item, Column) -> unicode:charlist() OnGetItemAttr = (This, Item) -> wxListItemAttr:wxListItemAttr() OnGetItemColumnImage = (This, Item, Column) -> integer() .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B arrange(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBarrange(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B arrange(This, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Option = {flag, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B assignImageList(This, ImageList, Which) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br ImageList = \fBwxImageList:wxImageList()\fR\& .br Which = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B clearAll(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B create(This, Parent) -> \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br Parent = \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBcreate(This, Parent, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B create(This, Parent, Options::[Option]) -> \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br Parent = \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br Option = {winid, integer()} | {pos, {X::integer(), Y::integer()}} | {size, {W::integer(), H::integer()}} | {style, integer()} | {validator, \fBwx:wx_object()\fR\&} | {onGetItemText, function()} | {onGetItemAttr, function()} | {onGetItemColumnImage, function()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B deleteAllItems(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B deleteColumn(This, Col) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B deleteItem(This, Item) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B editLabel(This, Item) -> \fBwxTextCtrl:wxTextCtrl()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B ensureVisible(This, Item) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B findItem(This, Start, Str) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Start = integer() .br Str = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBfindItem(This, Start, Str, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B findItem(This, Start, Str, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Start = integer() .br Str = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br Option = {partial, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Also: .br findItem(This, Start, Pt, Direction) -> integer() when .br This::wxListCtrl(), Start::integer(), Pt::{X::integer(), Y::integer()}, Direction::integer()\&. .br .RE .LP .B getColumn(This, Col, Item) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Item = \fBwxListItem:wxListItem()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getColumnCount(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getColumnWidth(This, Col) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCountPerPage(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getEditControl(This) -> \fBwxTextCtrl:wxTextCtrl()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getImageList(This, Which) -> \fBwxImageList:wxImageList()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Which = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItem(This, Info) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Info = \fBwxListItem:wxListItem()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemBackgroundColour(This, Item) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemCount(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemData(This, Item) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemFont(This, Item) -> \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemPosition(This, Item) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::boolean(), Pos::{X::integer(), Y::integer()}} .br This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemRect(This, Item) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::boolean(), Rect::{X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()}} .br This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBgetItemRect(This, Item, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B getItemRect(This, Item, Options::[Option]) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::boolean(), Rect::{X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()}} .br This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br Option = {code, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemSpacing(This) -> {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemState(This, Item, StateMask) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br StateMask = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemText(This, Item) -> \fBunicode:charlist()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemTextColour(This, Item) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getNextItem(This, Item) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBgetNextItem(This, Item, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B getNextItem(This, Item, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br Option = {geometry, integer()} | {state, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSelectedItemCount(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getTextColour(This) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getTopItem(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getViewRect(This) -> {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B hitTest(This, Point) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::integer(), Flags::integer(), PSubItem::integer()} .br This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Point = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B insertColumn(This, Col, Heading) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Heading = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Also: .br insertColumn(This, Col, Info) -> integer() when .br This::wxListCtrl(), Col::integer(), Info::wxListItem:wxListItem()\&. .br .RE .LP .B insertColumn(This, Col, Heading, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Heading = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br Option = {format, integer()} | {width, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B insertItem(This, Info) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Info = \fBwxListItem:wxListItem()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B insertItem(This, Index, ImageIndex) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Index = integer() .br ImageIndex = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Also: .br insertItem(This, Index, Label) -> integer() when .br This::wxListCtrl(), Index::integer(), Label::unicode:chardata()\&. .br .RE .LP .B insertItem(This, Index, Label, ImageIndex) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Index = integer() .br Label = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br ImageIndex = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B refreshItem(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B refreshItems(This, ItemFrom, ItemTo) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br ItemFrom = integer() .br ItemTo = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B scrollList(This, Dx, Dy) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Dx = integer() .br Dy = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setBackgroundColour(This, Colour) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Colour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColumn(This, Col, Item) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Item = \fBwxListItem:wxListItem()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColumnWidth(This, Col, Width) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Width = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setImageList(This, ImageList, Which) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br ImageList = \fBwxImageList:wxImageList()\fR\& .br Which = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItem(This, Info) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Info = \fBwxListItem:wxListItem()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItem(This, Index, Col, Label) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Index = integer() .br Col = integer() .br Label = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBsetItem(This, Index, Col, Label, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B setItem(This, Index, Col, Label, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Index = integer() .br Col = integer() .br Label = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br Option = {imageId, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemBackgroundColour(This, Item, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br Col = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemCount(This, Count) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Count = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemData(This, Item, Data) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br Data = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemFont(This, Item, F) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br F = \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemImage(This, Item, Image) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br Image = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBsetItemImage(This, Item, Image, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B setItemImage(This, Item, Image, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br Image = integer() .br Option = {selImage, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemColumnImage(This, Item, Column, Image) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br Column = integer() .br Image = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemPosition(This, Item, Pos) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br Pos = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemState(This, Item, State, StateMask) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br State = integer() .br StateMask = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemText(This, Item, Str) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br Str = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemTextColour(This, Item, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Item = integer() .br Col = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setSingleStyle(This, Style) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Style = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBsetSingleStyle(This, Style, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B setSingleStyle(This, Style, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Style = integer() .br Option = {add, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setTextColour(This, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Col = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setWindowStyleFlag(This, Style) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxListCtrl()\fR\& .br Style = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B sortItems(This::\fBwxListCtrl()\fR\&, SortCallBack::function()) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Sort the items in the list control .br .LP .nf SortCallBack(Item1,Item2) -> integer() .fi .LP .br SortCallBack receives the client data associated with two items to compare, and should return 0 if the items are equal, a negative value if the first item is less than the second one and a positive value if the first item is greater than the second one\&. .br NOTE: The callback may not call other (wx) processes\&. .RE .LP .B destroy(This::\fBwxListCtrl()\fR\&) -> ok .br .RS .LP Destroys this object, do not use object again .RE .SH AUTHORS .LP .I <>