.TH wxGrid 3erl "wx 1.8" "" "Erlang Module Definition" .SH NAME wxGrid \- See external documentation: wxGrid. .SH DESCRIPTION .LP See external documentation: wxGrid\&. .LP This class is derived (and can use functions) from: .br \fBwxScrolledWindow\fR\& .br \fBwxPanel\fR\& .br \fBwxWindow\fR\& .br \fBwxEvtHandler\fR\& .SH "DATA TYPES" .RS 2 .TP 2 .B wxGrid(): .RS 2 .LP An object reference, The representation is internal and can be changed without notice\&. It can\&'t be used for comparsion stored on disc or distributed for use on other nodes\&. .RE .RE .SH EXPORTS .LP .B new() -> \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B new(Parent, Id) -> \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Parent = \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br Id = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBnew(Parent, Id, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B new(Parent, X, Y) -> \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Parent = \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br Y = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Also: .br new(Parent, Id, [Option]) -> wxGrid() when .br Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id::integer(), .br Option :: {\&'pos\&', {X::integer(), Y::integer()}} .br | {\&'size\&', {W::integer(), H::integer()}} .br | {\&'style\&', integer()}\&. .br .RE .LP .B new(Parent, X, Y, Options::[Option]) -> \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Parent = \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br Y = integer() .br Option = {w, integer()} | {h, integer()} | {style, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B appendCols(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBappendCols(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B appendCols(This, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {numCols, integer()} | {updateLabels, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B appendRows(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBappendRows(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B appendRows(This, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {numRows, integer()} | {updateLabels, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B autoSize(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B autoSizeColumn(This, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBautoSizeColumn(This, Col, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B autoSizeColumn(This, Col, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Option = {setAsMin, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B autoSizeColumns(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBautoSizeColumns(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B autoSizeColumns(This, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {setAsMin, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B autoSizeRow(This, Row) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBautoSizeRow(This, Row, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B autoSizeRow(This, Row, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Option = {setAsMin, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B autoSizeRows(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBautoSizeRows(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B autoSizeRows(This, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {setAsMin, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B beginBatch(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B blockToDeviceRect(This, TopLeft, BottomRight) -> {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br TopLeft = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br BottomRight = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B canDragColSize(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B canDragRowSize(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B canDragGridSize(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B canEnableCellControl(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B cellToRect(This, Coords) -> {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Coords = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B cellToRect(This, Row, Col) -> {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B clearGrid(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B clearSelection(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B createGrid(This, NumRows, NumCols) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br NumRows = integer() .br NumCols = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBcreateGrid(This, NumRows, NumCols, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B createGrid(This, NumRows, NumCols, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br NumRows = integer() .br NumCols = integer() .br Option = {selmode, \fBwx:wx_enum()\fR\&} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Selmode = ?wxGrid_wxGridSelectCells | ?wxGrid_wxGridSelectRows | ?wxGrid_wxGridSelectColumns .RE .LP .B deleteCols(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBdeleteCols(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B deleteCols(This, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {pos, integer()} | {numCols, integer()} | {updateLabels, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B deleteRows(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBdeleteRows(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B deleteRows(This, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {pos, integer()} | {numRows, integer()} | {updateLabels, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B disableCellEditControl(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B disableDragColSize(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B disableDragGridSize(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B disableDragRowSize(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B enableCellEditControl(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBenableCellEditControl(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B enableCellEditControl(This, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {enable, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B enableDragColSize(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBenableDragColSize(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B enableDragColSize(This, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {enable, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B enableDragGridSize(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBenableDragGridSize(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B enableDragGridSize(This, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {enable, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B enableDragRowSize(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBenableDragRowSize(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B enableDragRowSize(This, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {enable, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B enableEditing(This, Edit) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Edit = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B enableGridLines(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBenableGridLines(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B enableGridLines(This, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {enable, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B endBatch(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B fit(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B forceRefresh(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getBatchCount(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCellAlignment(This, Row, Col) -> {Horiz::integer(), Vert::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCellBackgroundColour(This, Row, Col) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCellEditor(This, Row, Col) -> \fBwxGridCellEditor:wxGridCellEditor()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCellFont(This, Row, Col) -> \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCellRenderer(This, Row, Col) -> \fBwxGridCellRenderer:wxGridCellRenderer()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCellTextColour(This, Row, Col) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCellValue(This, Coords) -> \fBunicode:charlist()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Coords = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCellValue(This, Row, Col) -> \fBunicode:charlist()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getColLabelAlignment(This) -> {Horiz::integer(), Vert::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getColLabelSize(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getColLabelValue(This, Col) -> \fBunicode:charlist()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getColMinimalAcceptableWidth(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultCellAlignment(This) -> {Horiz::integer(), Vert::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultCellBackgroundColour(This) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultCellFont(This) -> \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultCellTextColour(This) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultColLabelSize(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultColSize(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultEditor(This) -> \fBwxGridCellEditor:wxGridCellEditor()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultEditorForCell(This, C) -> \fBwxGridCellEditor:wxGridCellEditor()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br C = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultEditorForCell(This, Row, Col) -> \fBwxGridCellEditor:wxGridCellEditor()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultEditorForType(This, TypeName) -> \fBwxGridCellEditor:wxGridCellEditor()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br TypeName = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultRenderer(This) -> \fBwxGridCellRenderer:wxGridCellRenderer()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultRendererForCell(This, Row, Col) -> \fBwxGridCellRenderer:wxGridCellRenderer()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultRendererForType(This, TypeName) -> \fBwxGridCellRenderer:wxGridCellRenderer()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br TypeName = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultRowLabelSize(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getDefaultRowSize(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getGridCursorCol(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getGridCursorRow(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getGridLineColour(This) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B gridLinesEnabled(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getLabelBackgroundColour(This) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getLabelFont(This) -> \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getLabelTextColour(This) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getNumberCols(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getNumberRows(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getOrCreateCellAttr(This, Row, Col) -> \fBwxGridCellAttr:wxGridCellAttr()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getRowMinimalAcceptableHeight(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getRowLabelAlignment(This) -> {Horiz::integer(), Vert::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getRowLabelSize(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getRowLabelValue(This, Row) -> \fBunicode:charlist()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getRowSize(This, Row) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getScrollLineX(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getScrollLineY(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSelectedCells(This) -> [{R::integer(), C::integer()}] .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSelectedCols(This) -> [integer()] .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSelectedRows(This) -> [integer()] .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSelectionBackground(This) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSelectionBlockTopLeft(This) -> [{R::integer(), C::integer()}] .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSelectionBlockBottomRight(This) -> [{R::integer(), C::integer()}] .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSelectionForeground(This) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getViewWidth(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getGridWindow(This) -> \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getGridRowLabelWindow(This) -> \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getGridColLabelWindow(This) -> \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getGridCornerLabelWindow(This) -> \fBwxWindow:wxWindow()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B hideCellEditControl(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B insertCols(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBinsertCols(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B insertCols(This, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {pos, integer()} | {numCols, integer()} | {updateLabels, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B insertRows(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBinsertRows(This, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B insertRows(This, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Option = {pos, integer()} | {numRows, integer()} | {updateLabels, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isCellEditControlEnabled(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isCurrentCellReadOnly(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isEditable(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isInSelection(This, Coords) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Coords = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isInSelection(This, Row, Col) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isReadOnly(This, Row, Col) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isSelection(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isVisible(This, Coords) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Coords = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBisVisible(This, Coords, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B isVisible(This, Row, Col) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Also: .br isVisible(This, Coords, [Option]) -> boolean() when .br This::wxGrid(), Coords::{R::integer(), C::integer()}, .br Option :: {\&'wholeCellVisible\&', boolean()}\&. .br .RE .LP .B isVisible(This, Row, Col, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br Option = {wholeCellVisible, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B makeCellVisible(This, Coords) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Coords = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B makeCellVisible(This, Row, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B moveCursorDown(This, ExpandSelection) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br ExpandSelection = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B moveCursorLeft(This, ExpandSelection) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br ExpandSelection = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B moveCursorRight(This, ExpandSelection) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br ExpandSelection = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B moveCursorUp(This, ExpandSelection) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br ExpandSelection = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B moveCursorDownBlock(This, ExpandSelection) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br ExpandSelection = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B moveCursorLeftBlock(This, ExpandSelection) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br ExpandSelection = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B moveCursorRightBlock(This, ExpandSelection) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br ExpandSelection = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B moveCursorUpBlock(This, ExpandSelection) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br ExpandSelection = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B movePageDown(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B movePageUp(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B registerDataType(This, TypeName, Renderer, Editor) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br TypeName = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br Renderer = \fBwxGridCellRenderer:wxGridCellRenderer()\fR\& .br Editor = \fBwxGridCellEditor:wxGridCellEditor()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B saveEditControlValue(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B selectAll(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B selectBlock(This, TopLeft, BottomRight) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br TopLeft = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br BottomRight = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBselectBlock(This, TopLeft, BottomRight, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B selectBlock(This, TopLeft, BottomRight, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br TopLeft = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br BottomRight = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br Option = {addToSelected, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B selectBlock(This, TopRow, LeftCol, BottomRow, RightCol) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br TopRow = integer() .br LeftCol = integer() .br BottomRow = integer() .br RightCol = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBselectBlock(This, TopRow, LeftCol, BottomRow, RightCol, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B selectBlock(This, TopRow, LeftCol, BottomRow, RightCol, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br TopRow = integer() .br LeftCol = integer() .br BottomRow = integer() .br RightCol = integer() .br Option = {addToSelected, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B selectCol(This, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBselectCol(This, Col, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B selectCol(This, Col, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Option = {addToSelected, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B selectRow(This, Row) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBselectRow(This, Row, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B selectRow(This, Row, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Option = {addToSelected, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setCellAlignment(This, Align) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Align = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setCellAlignment(This, Align, Row, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Align = integer() .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setCellAlignment(This, Row, Col, Horiz, Vert) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br Horiz = integer() .br Vert = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setCellBackgroundColour(This, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setCellBackgroundColour(This, Row, Col, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br Val = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Also: .br setCellBackgroundColour(This, Colour, Row, Col) -> \&'ok\&' when .br This::wxGrid(), Colour::wx:wx_colour(), Row::integer(), Col::integer()\&. .br .RE .LP .B setCellEditor(This, Row, Col, Editor) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br Editor = \fBwxGridCellEditor:wxGridCellEditor()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setCellFont(This, Row, Col, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br Val = \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setCellRenderer(This, Row, Col, Renderer) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br Renderer = \fBwxGridCellRenderer:wxGridCellRenderer()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setCellTextColour(This, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setCellTextColour(This, Row, Col, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br Val = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Also: .br setCellTextColour(This, Val, Row, Col) -> \&'ok\&' when .br This::wxGrid(), Val::wx:wx_colour(), Row::integer(), Col::integer()\&. .br .RE .LP .B setCellValue(This, Coords, S) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Coords = {R::integer(), C::integer()} .br S = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setCellValue(This, Row, Col, S) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br S = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Also: .br setCellValue(This, Val, Row, Col) -> \&'ok\&' when .br This::wxGrid(), Val::unicode:chardata(), Row::integer(), Col::integer()\&. .br .RE .LP .B setColAttr(This, Col, Attr) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Attr = \fBwxGridCellAttr:wxGridCellAttr()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColFormatBool(This, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColFormatNumber(This, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColFormatFloat(This, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBsetColFormatFloat(This, Col, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B setColFormatFloat(This, Col, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Option = {width, integer()} | {precision, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColFormatCustom(This, Col, TypeName) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br TypeName = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColLabelAlignment(This, Horiz, Vert) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Horiz = integer() .br Vert = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColLabelSize(This, Height) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Height = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColLabelValue(This, Col, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Val = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColMinimalWidth(This, Col, Width) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Width = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColMinimalAcceptableWidth(This, Width) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Width = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setColSize(This, Col, Width) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Col = integer() .br Width = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setDefaultCellAlignment(This, Horiz, Vert) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Horiz = integer() .br Vert = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setDefaultCellBackgroundColour(This, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Val = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setDefaultCellFont(This, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Val = \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setDefaultCellTextColour(This, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Val = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setDefaultEditor(This, Editor) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Editor = \fBwxGridCellEditor:wxGridCellEditor()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setDefaultRenderer(This, Renderer) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Renderer = \fBwxGridCellRenderer:wxGridCellRenderer()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setDefaultColSize(This, Width) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Width = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBsetDefaultColSize(This, Width, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B setDefaultColSize(This, Width, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Width = integer() .br Option = {resizeExistingCols, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setDefaultRowSize(This, Height) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Height = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBsetDefaultRowSize(This, Height, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B setDefaultRowSize(This, Height, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Height = integer() .br Option = {resizeExistingRows, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setGridCursor(This, Row, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setGridLineColour(This, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Val = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setLabelBackgroundColour(This, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Val = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setLabelFont(This, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Val = \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setLabelTextColour(This, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Val = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setMargins(This, ExtraWidth, ExtraHeight) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br ExtraWidth = integer() .br ExtraHeight = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setReadOnly(This, Row, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBsetReadOnly(This, Row, Col, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B setReadOnly(This, Row, Col, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Col = integer() .br Option = {isReadOnly, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setRowAttr(This, Row, Attr) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Attr = \fBwxGridCellAttr:wxGridCellAttr()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setRowLabelAlignment(This, Horiz, Vert) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Horiz = integer() .br Vert = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setRowLabelSize(This, Width) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Width = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setRowLabelValue(This, Row, Val) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Val = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setRowMinimalHeight(This, Row, Width) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Width = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setRowMinimalAcceptableHeight(This, Width) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Width = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setRowSize(This, Row, Height) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Row = integer() .br Height = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setScrollLineX(This, X) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setScrollLineY(This, Y) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Y = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setSelectionBackground(This, C) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br C = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setSelectionForeground(This, C) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br C = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setSelectionMode(This, Selmode) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Selmode = \fBwx:wx_enum()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Selmode = ?wxGrid_wxGridSelectCells | ?wxGrid_wxGridSelectRows | ?wxGrid_wxGridSelectColumns .RE .LP .B showCellEditControl(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B xToCol(This, X) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBxToCol(This, X, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B xToCol(This, X, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br Option = {clipToMinMax, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B xToEdgeOfCol(This, X) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B yToEdgeOfRow(This, Y) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Y = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B yToRow(This, Y) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxGrid()\fR\& .br Y = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B destroy(This::\fBwxGrid()\fR\&) -> ok .br .RS .LP Destroys this object, do not use object again .RE .SH AUTHORS .LP .I <>