.TH wxDC 3erl "wx 1.8" "" "Erlang Module Definition" .SH NAME wxDC \- See external documentation: wxDC. .SH DESCRIPTION .LP See external documentation: wxDC\&. .SH "DATA TYPES" .RS 2 .TP 2 .B wxDC(): .RS 2 .LP An object reference, The representation is internal and can be changed without notice\&. It can\&'t be used for comparsion stored on disc or distributed for use on other nodes\&. .RE .RE .SH EXPORTS .LP .B blit(This, DestPt, Sz, Source, SrcPt) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br DestPt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Sz = {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br Source = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br SrcPt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBblit(This, DestPt, Sz, Source, SrcPt, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B blit(This, DestPt, Sz, Source, SrcPt, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br DestPt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Sz = {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br Source = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br SrcPt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Option = {rop, \fBwx:wx_enum()\fR\&} | {useMask, boolean()} | {srcPtMask, {X::integer(), Y::integer()}} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Rop = integer .RE .LP .B calcBoundingBox(This, X, Y) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br Y = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B clear(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B computeScaleAndOrigin(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP \fIThis function is deprecated: \fR\&deprecated function not available in wxWidgets-2\&.9 and later .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B crossHair(This, Pt) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B destroyClippingRegion(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B deviceToLogicalX(This, X) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B deviceToLogicalXRel(This, X) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B deviceToLogicalY(This, Y) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Y = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B deviceToLogicalYRel(This, Y) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Y = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawArc(This, Pt1, Pt2, Centre) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt1 = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Pt2 = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Centre = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawBitmap(This, Bmp, Pt) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Bmp = \fBwxBitmap:wxBitmap()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBdrawBitmap(This, Bmp, Pt, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B drawBitmap(This, Bmp, Pt, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Bmp = \fBwxBitmap:wxBitmap()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Option = {useMask, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawCheckMark(This, Rect) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Rect = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawCircle(This, Pt, Radius) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Radius = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawEllipse(This, Rect) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Rect = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawEllipse(This, Pt, Sz) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Sz = {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawEllipticArc(This, Pt, Sz, Sa, Ea) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Sz = {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br Sa = number() .br Ea = number() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawIcon(This, Icon, Pt) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Icon = \fBwxIcon:wxIcon()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawLabel(This, Text, Rect) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Text = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br Rect = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBdrawLabel(This, Text, Rect, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B drawLabel(This, Text, Rect, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Text = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br Rect = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br Option = {alignment, integer()} | {indexAccel, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawLine(This, Pt1, Pt2) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt1 = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Pt2 = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawLines(This, Points) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Points = [{X::integer(), Y::integer()}] .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBdrawLines(This, Points, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B drawLines(This, Points, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Points = [{X::integer(), Y::integer()}] .br Option = {xoffset, integer()} | {yoffset, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawPolygon(This, Points) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Points = [{X::integer(), Y::integer()}] .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBdrawPolygon(This, Points, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B drawPolygon(This, Points, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Points = [{X::integer(), Y::integer()}] .br Option = {xoffset, integer()} | {yoffset, integer()} | {fillStyle, \fBwx:wx_enum()\fR\&} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br FillStyle = integer .RE .LP .B drawPoint(This, Pt) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawRectangle(This, Rect) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Rect = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawRectangle(This, Pt, Sz) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Sz = {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawRotatedText(This, Text, Pt, Angle) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Text = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Angle = number() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawRoundedRectangle(This, R, Radius) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br R = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br Radius = number() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawRoundedRectangle(This, Pt, Sz, Radius) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Sz = {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br Radius = number() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B drawText(This, Text, Pt) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Text = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B endDoc(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B endPage(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B floodFill(This, Pt, Col) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Col = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBfloodFill(This, Pt, Col, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B floodFill(This, Pt, Col, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Col = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br Option = {style, \fBwx:wx_enum()\fR\&} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Style = integer .RE .LP .B getBackground(This) -> \fBwxBrush:wxBrush()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getBackgroundMode(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getBrush(This) -> \fBwxBrush:wxBrush()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCharHeight(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCharWidth(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getClippingBox(This) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getFont(This) -> \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getLayoutDirection(This) -> \fBwx:wx_enum()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Res = ?wxLayout_Default | ?wxLayout_LeftToRight | ?wxLayout_RightToLeft .RE .LP .B getLogicalFunction(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getMapMode(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getMultiLineTextExtent(This, String) -> {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br String = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getMultiLineTextExtent(This, String, Options::[Option]) -> {Width::integer(), Height::integer(), HeightLine::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br String = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br Option = {font, \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\&} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getPartialTextExtents(This, Text) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::boolean(), Widths::[integer()]} .br This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Text = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getPen(This) -> \fBwxPen:wxPen()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getPixel(This, Pt) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::boolean(), Col::\fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\&} .br This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getPPI(This) -> {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSize(This) -> {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSizeMM(This) -> {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getTextBackground(This) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getTextExtent(This, String) -> {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br String = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getTextExtent(This, String, Options::[Option]) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Descent::integer(), ExternalLeading::integer()} .br This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br String = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br Option = {theFont, \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\&} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getTextForeground(This) -> \fBwx:wx_colour4()\fR\& .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getUserScale(This) -> {X::number(), Y::number()} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B gradientFillConcentric(This, Rect, InitialColour, DestColour) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Rect = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br InitialColour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br DestColour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B gradientFillConcentric(This, Rect, InitialColour, DestColour, CircleCenter) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Rect = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br InitialColour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br DestColour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br CircleCenter = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B gradientFillLinear(This, Rect, InitialColour, DestColour) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Rect = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br InitialColour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br DestColour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fBgradientFillLinear(This, Rect, InitialColour, DestColour, [])\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B gradientFillLinear(This, Rect, InitialColour, DestColour, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Rect = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()} .br InitialColour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br DestColour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br Option = {nDirection, \fBwx:wx_enum()\fR\&} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br NDirection = ?wxLEFT | ?wxRIGHT | ?wxUP | ?wxDOWN | ?wxTOP | ?wxBOTTOM | ?wxNORTH | ?wxSOUTH | ?wxWEST | ?wxEAST | ?wxALL .RE .LP .B logicalToDeviceX(This, X) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B logicalToDeviceXRel(This, X) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B logicalToDeviceY(This, Y) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Y = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B logicalToDeviceYRel(This, Y) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Y = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B maxX(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B maxY(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B minX(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B minY(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isOk(This) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B resetBoundingBox(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setAxisOrientation(This, XLeftRight, YBottomUp) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br XLeftRight = boolean() .br YBottomUp = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setBackground(This, Brush) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Brush = \fBwxBrush:wxBrush()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setBackgroundMode(This, Mode) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Mode = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setBrush(This, Brush) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Brush = \fBwxBrush:wxBrush()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setClippingRegion(This, Region) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Region = \fBwxRegion:wxRegion()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Also: .br setClippingRegion(This, Rect) -> \&'ok\&' when .br This::wxDC(), Rect::{X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()}\&. .br .RE .LP .B setClippingRegion(This, Pt, Sz) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pt = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br Sz = {W::integer(), H::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setDeviceOrigin(This, X, Y) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br X = integer() .br Y = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setFont(This, Font) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Font = \fBwxFont:wxFont()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setLayoutDirection(This, Dir) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Dir = \fBwx:wx_enum()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Dir = ?wxLayout_Default | ?wxLayout_LeftToRight | ?wxLayout_RightToLeft .RE .LP .B setLogicalFunction(This, Function) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Function = \fBwx:wx_enum()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Function = integer .RE .LP .B setMapMode(This, Mode) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Mode = \fBwx:wx_enum()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Mode = integer .RE .LP .B setPalette(This, Palette) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Palette = \fBwxPalette:wxPalette()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setPen(This, Pen) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Pen = \fBwxPen:wxPen()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setTextBackground(This, Colour) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Colour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setTextForeground(This, Colour) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Colour = \fBwx:wx_colour()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setUserScale(This, X, Y) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br X = number() .br Y = number() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B startDoc(This, Message) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br Message = \fBunicode:chardata()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B startPage(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = \fBwxDC()\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .SH AUTHORS .LP .I <>