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CWLTOOL(1) User Commands CWLTOOL(1)


cwltool - Refefence executor for Common Workflow Language


usage: [-h] [--basedir BASEDIR] [--outdir OUTDIR] [--no-container]
[--preserve-environment ENVVAR] [--preserve-entire-environment] [--rm-container | --leave-container] [--tmpdir-prefix TMPDIR_PREFIX] [--tmp-outdir-prefix TMP_OUTDIR_PREFIX | --cachedir CACHEDIR] [--rm-tmpdir | --leave-tmpdir] [--move-outputs | --leave-outputs | --copy-outputs] [--enable-pull | --disable-pull] [--rdf-serializer RDF_SERIALIZER] [--eval-timeout EVAL_TIMEOUT] [--print-rdf | --print-dot | --print-pre | --print-deps | --print-input-deps | --pack | --version | --validate] [--strict | --non-strict] [--verbose | --quiet | --debug] [--tool-help] [--relative-deps {primary,cwd}] [--enable-dev] [--default-container DEFAULT_CONTAINER] [--no-match-user] [--disable-net] [--custom-net CUSTOM_NET] [--on-error {stop,continue}] [--compute-checksum | --no-compute-checksum] [--relax-path-checks] [workflow] ...

Reference executor for Common Workflow Language

positional arguments:

workflow job_order

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

--basedir BASEDIR

--outdir OUTDIR
Output directory, default current directory
Do not execute jobs in a Docker container, even when specified by the CommandLineTool
--preserve-environment ENVVAR
Preserve specific environment variable when running CommandLineTools. May be provided multiple times.
Preserve entire parent environment when running CommandLineTools.
Delete Docker container used by jobs after they exit (default)
Do not delete Docker container used by jobs after they exit
--tmpdir-prefix TMPDIR_PREFIX
Path prefix for temporary directories
--tmp-outdir-prefix TMP_OUTDIR_PREFIX
Path prefix for intermediate output directories
--cachedir CACHEDIR
Directory to cache intermediate workflow outputs to avoid recomputing steps.
Delete intermediate temporary directories (default)
Do not delete intermediate temporary directories
Move output files to the workflow output directory and delete intermediate output directories (default).
Leave output files in intermediate output directories.
Copy output files to the workflow output directory, don't delete intermediate output directories.
Try to pull Docker images
Do not try to pull Docker images
--rdf-serializer RDF_SERIALIZER
Output RDF serialization format used by --print-rdf (one of turtle (default), n3, nt, xml)
--eval-timeout EVAL_TIMEOUT
Time to wait for a Javascript expression to evaluate before giving an error, default 20s.
Print corresponding RDF graph for workflow and exit
Print workflow visualization in graphviz format and exit
Print CWL document after preprocessing.
Print CWL document dependencies.
Print input object document dependencies.
Combine components into single document and print.
Print version and exit
Validate CWL document only.
Strict validation (unrecognized or out of place fields are error)
Lenient validation (ignore unrecognized fields)
Default logging
Only print warnings and errors.
Print even more logging
Print command line help for tool
--relative-deps {primary,cwd}
When using --print-deps, print paths relative to primary file or current working directory.
Allow loading and running development versions of CWL spec.
--default-container DEFAULT_CONTAINER
Specify a default docker container that will be used if the workflow fails to specify one.
Disable passing the current uid to 'docker run --user`
Use docker's default networking for containers; the default is to enable networking.
--custom-net CUSTOM_NET
Will be passed to `docker run` as the '--net' parameter. Implies '--enable-net'.
--on-error {stop,continue}
Desired workflow behavior when a step fails. One of 'stop' or 'continue'. Default is 'stop'.
Compute checksum of contents while collecting outputs
Do not compute checksum of contents while collecting outputs
Relax requirements on path names. Currently allows spaces.

January 2017 cwltool 1.0.20170114120503