.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3 . .TH "SCHLEUDER" "8" "January 2017" "" "" . .SH "NAME" \fBschleuder\fR \- an email hub for groups . .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBschleuder\fR work \fIlistaddress\fR < \fIemail\fR . .P \fBschleuder\fR help . .P \fBschleuder\fR \fIother\-command\fR [<\.\.\.>] . .P For descriptions of the other commands see the output of the \fIhelp\fR\-command\. . .P This manual page is written for system administrators\. For other information please read the Schleuder documentation online (\fISEE ALSO\fR)\. . .SH "DESCRIPTION" Schleuder is an email hub for groups\. Subscribers can communicate encryptedly and pseudonymously among themselves, receive emails from non\-subscribers and send emails to non\-subscribers via the list\. . .P Schleuder takes care of all de\- and encryption, stripping of headers, formatting conversions, etc\. Further Schleuder can send out its own public key and receive administrative commands by email\. . .P Email cryptography is handled by using GnuPG\. . .SH "ENVIRONMENT" . .SS "Configuration" Schleuder reads its basic settings from a file that it by default expects at \. To make Schleuder read a different file set the environment variable \fISCHLEUDER_CONFIG\fR to the path to your file when running schleuder\. E\.g\.: . .IP "" 4 . .nf SCHLEUDER_CONFIG=/usr/local/etc/schleuder\.yml /path/to/bin/schleuder \.\.\. . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .P For explanations of the possible settings read the default config file\. . .P The default settings for new lists are read from another config file\. By default Schleuder looks at \. To make Schleuder read a different file set the environment variable \fISCHLEUDER_LIST_DEFAULTS\fR analogous to above\. The possible settings are explained in the default config file\. . .SS "Connect to MTA" Schleuder behaves like an email\-filter: it reads email from standard\-input, and reports errors to standard\-error\. If all goes well Schleuder closes the initial connection to the Mail Transport Agent (MTA) only after it sent out all outgoing emails\. . .P In case of an error the MTA is expected to include Schleuder\'s error message into a bounce\-email that is sent back to the sender (this is default behaviour of most MTAs)\. . .P To connect the MTA with Schleuder it must pipe the incoming message into Schleuder\'s STDIN, and give it two arguments: first one: "work", second one: the full recipients email address\. . .P For more information on how to integrate Schleuder with your existing mail setup, please read the Schleuder documentation online (\fISEE ALSO\fR)\. . .SS "Data storage" The keyrings for each list are standard GnuPG keyrings and sit in the filesystem under \fIlists_dir\fR/\fIhostname\fR/\fIlistname\fR/ (\fIlists_dir\fR is read from schleuder\.yml, by default it is )\. They can be used manually using gpg2\. Please be careful to maintain proper file permissions if you touch the files\. . .P In the list\-directory there’s also a list specific log\-file (might be missing if the log\-level is high and no error occurred yet)\. . .P Other logging is sent to syslog\. Where that ends up depends on the operating system and the system administration\. . .P All other list\-related data is stored in the SQL\-database\. Most data is unserialized, only some values are JSON\-encoded\. . .SH "SPECIAL FEATURES" Schleuder features some special functionality\. For more detailed information read the Schleuder documentation online (\fISEE ALSO\fR)\. . .SS "Getting the public key of a list" Each Schleuder\-list replies with its public key to any email sent to \fIlistname\-sendkey@hostname\fR\. E\.g\. to receive the key for the contact address of the Schleuder project write an email to . .br \fIteam\-sendkey@schleuder\.org\fR\. . .SS "Email commands" Schleuder knows some special keywords that trigger different behaviour\. You can e\.g\. subscribe someone, or resend an email to a non\-subscriber using keywords\. . .P Keywords require that: . .IP "\(bu" 4 they start the line and begin with "x\-", . .IP "\(bu" 4 they are written into the beginning of the \fIfirst text\-part\fR of the email (usually that’s just the normal body of the email), . .IP "\(bu" 4 possible arguments must be written \fIon the same line\fR as the keyword (exceptions are mentioned in the descriptions below), . .IP "\(bu" 4 the email must be \fIencrypted and signed\fR by a list\-member’s key\. . .IP "" 0 . .P Keywords can be repeated within one email at will\. Letter case doesn’t matter\. . .P There are two types of keywords: those to enhance messages sent over the list (“list\-keywords”), and those to request something from Schleuder (“request\-keywords”)\. . .P Find detailed descriptions of all available keywords in the Schleuder documentation online (\fISEE ALSO\fR)\. . .SS "Contact list\-owner" Write to \fIlistname\-owner@hostname\fR to contact the list\-owner(s) even if you don\'t know who they are\. Use the list\'s key to encrypt the email! . .SH "EXIT STATUS" . .TP 0 Incoming email was processed without errors\. . .TP 1 Internal failure in incoming email processing\. . .SH "FILES" . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fB/etc/schleuder/schleuder\.yml\fR: default path of global Schleuder configuration . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fB/etc/schleuder/list\-defaults\.yml\fR: default path of default list settings . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fB/var/lib/schleuder/lists\fR default path of lists_dir . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fB\fR/\fB\fR/`\fIlistname\fR: list internal data . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fB/var/log/schleuder\fR/\fB\fR/\fB\fR/list\.log`: log\-file for list . .IP "" 0 . .P All configuration files are formatted as YAML\. See \fIhttp://www\.yaml\.org/\fR for more details\. . .SH "BUGS" Known bugs are listed on the Schleuder bugtracker at \fIhttps://0xacab\.org/schleuder/schleuder\fR . .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBschleuder\-cli\fR(8), \fBgnupg\fR(7)\. . .TP Website of \fBschleuder\fR \fIhttps://schleuder\.org/\fR . .TP More extensive documentation for \fBschleuder\fR \fIhttps://schleuder\.org/docs/\fR . .TP \fBschleuder\-cli\fR, the command line interface for list\-management \fIhttps://0xacab\.org/schleuder/schleuder\-cli/\fR . .TP \fBschleuder\-web\fR, the web interface for list\-management \fIhttps://0xacab\.org/schleuder/schleuder\-web/\fR