.TH NETDATA 1 2019\-01\-20 1.12.0 "real\-time performance monitoring" .SH NAME \fBnetdata\fR \- real\-time performance monitoring .SH SYNOPSIS \fBnetdata\fR [\-c \fIOPTIONS\fR] [\-D|\-d] [\-P \fIFILENAME\fR] [\-i \fIIP\fR] [\-p \fIPORT\fR] [\-s \fIPATH\fR] [\-t \fISECONDS\fR] [\-u \fIUSERNAME\fR] .PP \fBnetdata\fR \-h \fBnetdata\fR \-v|\-V .SH DESCRIPTION \fBnetdata\fR is distributed, real\-time, performance and health monitoring for systems and applications. It provides insights of everything happening on the systems it runs using interactive web dashboards. .PP It can run autonomously without any third party components or it can be integrated to existing monitoring tool chains (Prometheus, Graphite, OpenTSDB, Kafka, Grafana, etc). .SH OPTIONS The \fBnetdata\fR daemon is usually started by an initscript or a systemd service, the following options are available: .IP "\-c \fIFILENAME\fR" 4 Configuration file to load. .br Default: /etc/netdata/netdata.conf. .IP "\-D" 4 Do not fork. Run in the foreground. .br Default: run in the background .IP "\-d" 4 Fork. Run in the background. .br Default: run in the background .IP "\-h" 4 Display this help message. .IP "\-P \fIFILENAME\fR" 4 File to save a pid while running. .br Default: do not save pid to a file .IP "\-i \fIIP\fR" 4 The IP address to listen to. .br Default: all IP addresses IPv4 and IPv6 .IP "\-p \fIPORT\fR" 4 API/Web port to use. .br Default: 19999 .IP "\-s \fIPATH\fR" 4 Prefix for /proc and /sys (for containers). .br Default: no prefix .IP "\-t \fISECONDS\fR" 4 The internal clock of netdata. .br Default: 1 .IP "\-u \fIUSERNAME\fR" 4 Run as user. .br Default: netdata .IP "\-v, \-V" 4 Print netdata version and exit. .IP "\-W \fIOPTIONS\fR" 4 See Advanced options below. .SS ADVANCED OPTIONS .IP "\-W stacksize=\fIN\fR" 4 Set the stacksize (in bytes). .IP "\-W debug_flags=\fIN\fR" 4 Set runtime tracing to debug.log. .IP "\-W unittest" 4 Run internal unittests and exit. .IP "\-W set \fISECTION\fR \fIOPTION\fR \fIVALUE\fR" 4 set netdata.conf option from the command line. .IP "\-W simple\-pattern \fIPATTERN\fR \fISTRING\fR" 4 Check if string matches pattern and exit. .SH SIGNALS .IP "HUP" 4 Close and reopen log files. .IP "USR1" 4 Save internal DB to disk. .IP "USR2" 4 Reload health configuration. .SH FILES .IP "\fB/etc/netdata\fR" 4 Configuration file. .IP "\fB/usr/share/doc/netdata" 4 Upstream documentation. .SH HOMEPAGE More information about netdata can be found on the homepage at <\fIhttps://my-netdata.io\fR> and in the manual at <\fIhttps://docs.netdata.cloud\fR>. .SH AUTHOR netdata was written by Costa Tsaousis <\fIcosta@tsaousis.gr\fR>. .PP This manual page was written by Federico Ceratto <\fIfederico@debian.org\fR> for the Debian project and may be used by others.