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CANDUMP(1) User Commands CANDUMP(1)


candump - manual page for candump 2018.02.0-1~bpo9+1


candump [options] <CAN interface>+


candump - dump CAN bus traffic.
(use CTRL-C to terminate candump)


-t <type>
(timestamp: (a)bsolute/(d)elta/(z)ero/(A)bsolute w date)
(read hardware timestamps instead of system timestamps)
(increment color mode level)
(binary output - may exceed 80 chars/line)
(enable additional ASCII output)
(swap byte order in printed CAN data[] - marked with '`' )
-s <level>
(silent mode - 0: off (default) 1: animation 2: silent)
-b <can>
(bridge mode - send received frames to <can>)
-B <can>
(bridge mode - like '-b' with disabled loopback)
-u <usecs>
(delay bridge forwarding by <usecs> microseconds)
(log CAN-frames into file. Sets '-s 2' by default)
(use log file format on stdout)
-n <count>
(terminate after receiption of <count> CAN frames)
-r <size>
(set socket receive buffer to <size>)
(Don't exit if a "detected" can device goes down.
(monitor dropped CAN frames)
(dump CAN error frames in human-readable format)
(print extra message infos, rx/tx brs esi)
-T <msecs>
(terminate after <msecs> without any reception)

Up to 16 CAN interfaces with optional filter sets can be specified on the commandline in the form: <ifname>[,filter]*


Comma separated filters can be specified for each given CAN interface.


(matches when <received_can_id> & mask == can_id & mask)


(matches when <received_can_id> & mask != can_id & mask)


(set error frame filter, see include/linux/can/error.h)


(join the given CAN filters - logical AND semantic)

CAN IDs, masks and data content are given and expected in hexadecimal values. When can_id and can_mask are both 8 digits, they are assumed to be 29 bit EFF. Without any given filter all data frames are received ('0:0' default filter).

Use interface name 'any' to receive from all CAN interfaces.


candump -c -c -ta can0,123:7FF,400:700,#000000FF can2,400~7F0 can3 can8

candump -l any,0~0,#FFFFFFFF

(log only error frames but no(!) data frames)

candump -l any,0:0,#FFFFFFFF

(log error frames and also all data frames)

candump vcan2,92345678:DFFFFFFF

(match only for extended CAN ID 12345678)

candump vcan2,123:7FF

(matches CAN ID 123 - including EFF and RTR frames)

candump vcan2,123:C00007FF

(matches CAN ID 123 - only SFF and non-RTR frames)
March 2018 candump 2018.02.0-1~bpo9+1