.TH PGASendReceiveIndividual 4 "05/01/95" " " "PGAPack" .SH NAME PGASendReceiveIndividual \- Send an individual to a process, while receiving a different individual from a different process. .SH INPUT PARAMETERS .PD 0 .TP ctx - context variable .PD 0 .TP send_p - index of string to send .PD 0 .TP send_pop - symbolic constant of population to send from .PD 0 .TP dest - destination process .PD 0 .TP send_tag - tag to send with .PD 0 .TP recv_p - index of string to receive .PD 0 .TP recv_pop - symbolic constant of population to receive from .PD 0 .TP source - process to receive from .PD 0 .TP recv_tag - tag to receive with .PD 0 .TP comm - an MPI communicator .PD 0 .TP status - pointer to the MPI status structure .PD 1 .SH OUTPUT PARAMETERS .PD 0 .TP none .PD 1 .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include "pgapack.h" void PGASendReceiveIndividual(ctx, send_p, send_pop, dest, send_tag, recv_p, recv_pop, source, recv_tag, comm, status) PGAContext *ctx int send_p int send_pop int dest int send_tag int recv_p int recv_pop int source int recv_tag MPI_Comm comm MPI_Status *status .fi .SH LOCATION parallel.c .SH EXAMPLE .nf Example: A dedicated process is being used to perform an optimization algorithm on the strings. Send a new string, s, to the process, while receiving an optimized string, r, from it. PGAContext *ctx; MPI_Comm comm; MPI_Status status; int s, r; : PGASendReceiveIndividual(ctx, s, PGA_NEWPOP, 1, PGA_SR_STRINGTOMODIFY, r, PGA_NEWPOP, 1, PGA_SR_MODIFIEDSTRING, comm, &status); .fi