.TH PGASelect 3 "05/01/95" " " "PGAPack" .SH NAME PGASelect \- performs genetic algorithm selection using either the default selection scheme or that specified with PGASetSelectType(). .SH DESCRIPTION Valid selection methods are proportional, stochastic universal, tournament, or probabilistic tournament selection, PGA_SELECT_PROPORTIONAL, PGA_SELECT_SUS, PGA_SELECT_TOURNAMENT, and PGA_SELECT_PTOURNAMENT, respectively. This function updates an internal array with the indices of members of popix selected for recombination. These indices may be accessed with PGASelectNextIndex() .SH INPUT PARAMETERS .PD 0 .TP ctx - context variable .PD 0 .TP popix - symbolic constant of population to select from .PD 1 .SH OUTPUT PARAMETERS .PD 0 .TP none .PD 1 .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include "pgapack.h" void PGASelect(ctx, popix) PGAContext *ctx int popix .fi .SH LOCATION select.c .SH EXAMPLE .nf Example: PGAContext *ctx, : PGASelect(ctx, PGA_OLDPOP); .fi