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clGetCommandQueueInfo - Query information about a command-queue.¶
clGetCommandQueueInfo(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_command_queue_info param_name,
size_t param_value_size,
void *param_value,
size_t *param_value_size_ret);
command_queueSpecifies the command-queue being queried.
Specifies the information to query.
Specifies the size in bytes of memory pointed to by
param_value. This size must be ≥ size of return type as
described in the table below. If param_value is NULL, it is
A pointer to memory where the appropriate result being
queried is returned. If param_value is NULL, it is ignored.
Returns the actual size in bytes of data being queried by
param_value. If param_value_size_ret is NULL, it is
The list of supported param_name values and the
information returned in param_value by clGetCommandQueueInfo is
described in the table below.
cl_command_queue_info | Return Type and Information returned in param_value |
CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT | Return type: cl_context Return the context specified when the command-queue is created. |
CL_QUEUE_DEVICE | Return type: cl_device_id Return the device specified when the command-queue is created. |
CL_QUEUE_REFERENCE_COUNT | Return type: cl_uint Return the command-queue reference count. CL_QUEUE_REFERENCE_COUNT should be considered immediately stale. It is unsuitable for general use in applications. This feature is provided for identifying memory leaks. |
CL_QUEUE_PROPERTIES | Return type: cl_command_queue_properties Return the currently specified properties for the command-queue. These properties are specified by the properties argument in clCreateCommandQueue(3clc). |
It is possible that a device(s) becomes unavailable after a context and command-queues that use this device(s) have been created and commands have been queued to command-queues. In this case the behavior of OpenCL API calls that use this context (and command-queues) are considered to be implementation-defined. The user callback function, if specified, when the context is created can be used to record appropriate information in the errinfo, private_info arguments passed to the callback function when the device becomes unavailable.ERRORS¶
Returns CL_SUCCESS if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns the following:• Returns CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE if
command_queue is not a valid command-queue.
• Returns CL_INVALID_VALUE if param_name is
not one of the supported values or if size in bytes specified by
param_value_size is less than size of return type and
param_value is not a NULL value.
•CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES if there is a failure to
allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
•CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if there is a failure to
allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
OpenCL Specification[1]SEE ALSO¶
clCreateCommandQueue(3clc), clReleaseCommandQueue(3clc), clRetainCommandQueue(3clc)AUTHORS¶
The Khronos GroupCOPYRIGHT¶
Copyright © 2007-2011 The Khronos Group Inc.NOTES¶
- 1.
- OpenCL Specification
page 63, section 5.1 - Command Queues
06/18/2014 | The Khronos Group |