.TH "mlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD< OptimizerType >" 3 "Tue Sep 9 2014" "Version 1.0.10" "MLPACK" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME mlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD< OptimizerType > \- .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .SS "Public Member Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "\fBRegularizedSVD\fP (const arma::mat &\fBdata\fP, arma::mat &u, arma::mat &v, const size_t \fBrank\fP, const size_t \fBiterations\fP=10, const double \fBalpha\fP=0\&.01, const double \fBlambda\fP=0\&.02)" .br .RI "\fIConstructor for Regularized SVD\&. \fP" .in -1c .SS "Private Attributes" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "double \fBalpha\fP" .br .RI "\fILearning rate for the SGD optimizer\&. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "const arma::mat & \fBdata\fP" .br .RI "\fIRating data\&. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "size_t \fBiterations\fP" .br .RI "\fINumber of optimization iterations\&. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "double \fBlambda\fP" .br .RI "\fIRegularization parameter for the optimization\&. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "\fBmlpack::optimization::SGD\fP .br < \fBRegularizedSVDFunction\fP > \fBoptimizer\fP" .br .RI "\fIDefault SGD optimizer for the class\&. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "size_t \fBrank\fP" .br .RI "\fIRank used for matrix factorization\&. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "\fBRegularizedSVDFunction\fP \fBrSVDFunc\fP" .br .RI "\fIFunction that will be held by the optimizer\&. \fP" .in -1c .SH "Detailed Description" .PP .SS "template class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::SGD>class mlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD< OptimizerType >" .PP Definition at line 37 of file regularized_svd\&.hpp\&. .SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation" .PP .SS "template class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::SGD> \fBmlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD\fP< OptimizerType >::\fBRegularizedSVD\fP (const arma::mat &data, arma::mat &u, arma::mat &v, const size_trank, const size_titerations = \fC10\fP, const doublealpha = \fC0\&.01\fP, const doublelambda = \fC0\&.02\fP)" .PP Constructor for Regularized SVD\&. Obtains the user and item matrices after training on the passed data\&. The constructor initiates an object of class \fBRegularizedSVDFunction\fP for optimization\&. It uses the SGD optimizer by default\&. The optimizer uses a template specialization of Optimize()\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fIdata\fP Dataset for which SVD is calculated\&. .br \fIu\fP User matrix in the matrix decomposition\&. .br \fIv\fP Item matrix in the matrix decomposition\&. .br \fIrank\fP Rank used for matrix factorization\&. .br \fIiterations\fP Number of optimization iterations\&. .br \fIlambda\fP Regularization parameter for the optimization\&. .RE .PP .SH "Member Data Documentation" .PP .SS "template class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::SGD> double \fBmlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD\fP< OptimizerType >::alpha\fC [private]\fP" .PP Learning rate for the SGD optimizer\&. .PP Definition at line 70 of file regularized_svd\&.hpp\&. .SS "template class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::SGD> const arma::mat& \fBmlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD\fP< OptimizerType >::data\fC [private]\fP" .PP Rating data\&. .PP Definition at line 64 of file regularized_svd\&.hpp\&. .SS "template class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::SGD> size_t \fBmlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD\fP< OptimizerType >::iterations\fC [private]\fP" .PP Number of optimization iterations\&. .PP Definition at line 68 of file regularized_svd\&.hpp\&. .SS "template class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::SGD> double \fBmlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD\fP< OptimizerType >::lambda\fC [private]\fP" .PP Regularization parameter for the optimization\&. .PP Definition at line 72 of file regularized_svd\&.hpp\&. .SS "template class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::SGD> \fBmlpack::optimization::SGD\fP<\fBRegularizedSVDFunction\fP> \fBmlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD\fP< OptimizerType >::optimizer\fC [private]\fP" .PP Default SGD optimizer for the class\&. .PP Definition at line 76 of file regularized_svd\&.hpp\&. .SS "template class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::SGD> size_t \fBmlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD\fP< OptimizerType >::rank\fC [private]\fP" .PP Rank used for matrix factorization\&. .PP Definition at line 66 of file regularized_svd\&.hpp\&. .SS "template class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::SGD> \fBRegularizedSVDFunction\fP \fBmlpack::svd::RegularizedSVD\fP< OptimizerType >::rSVDFunc\fC [private]\fP" .PP Function that will be held by the optimizer\&. .PP Definition at line 74 of file regularized_svd\&.hpp\&. .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for MLPACK from the source code\&.