.\" ======================================================== .\" license: GPL .\" ======================================================== .\" .\" .TH "KVKCARD" "1" "2009 March 19th" "Manual for kvkcard" "" .SH "NAME" .B kvkcard - a commandline tool to read information from a German medical card .SH "SYNOPSIS" .B kvkcard .RB read | .RB daemon | .RB rdvd | .RB rdpd [ [ .RB -v | .RB --verbous ] [ .RB -f FILE | .RB --filename=FILE ] [ .RB -c CARDID | .RB --cardid=CARDID ] [ .RB -b | .RB --beep ] [ .RB -d | .RB --dosmode ] [ .RB -p PROGRAM | .RB --program=PROGRAM ] [ .RB -a ARGUMENTS | .RB --args=ARGUMENTS ] [ .RB -h | .RB --help ] ] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .B kvkcard is a commandline tool to read information from a German medical card (KVK or eGK). .SH "ARGUMENTS" .PP .TP .B read Read data from a German medical card. .TP .B daemon Wait for insertion of a German medical card and run a program on it. .TP .B rdvd Dump RDVD data structure of a card. .TP .B rdpd Dump RDPD data structure of a card. .TP .B -v | --verbous Every occurrence of this option increases the verbosity. .TP .B -f FILE | --filename=FILE File to write to. If omitted stdout will be used. .TP .B -c CARDID | --cardid=CARDID Set the ID of the card to read. .TP .B -b | --beep Beep after reading a card. .TP .B -d | --dosmode Output data in DOS mode. .TP .B -p PROGRAM | --program=PROGRAM Program to call on cards found. .TP .B -a ARGUMENTS | --args=ARGUMENTS Arguments for the program to be called .TP .B -h | --help Shows this help. .SH "FILES" .PP .TP .B /etc/chipcard/ The system-wide configuration files. .TP .B /var/log/chipcard/ The default log files. .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP .TP .B http://www.libchipcard.de Homepage of libchipcard project. .TP .B /usr/share/doc/libchipcard-tools/ Local documentation. .SH "REVISION" .\" please add some upstream GIT tags here