.\" ======================================================== .\" license: GPL .\" ======================================================== .\" .\" .TH "CHIPCARD-TOOL" "1" "2009 March 19th" "Manual for chipcard-tool" "" .SH "NAME" .B chipcard-tool - a commandline client to access smart cards via libchipcard .SH "SYNOPSIS" .B chipcard-tool .RB list | check | atr | monitor .RB [-C FILE] .RB [--configfile=FILE] .RB [-f FILE] .RB [--file=FILE] .RB [--logtype=TYPE] .RB [--loglevel=LEVEL] .RB [--logfile=FILE] .RB [-v] .RB [--verbous] .RB [-a] .RB [--showall] .RB [-t TIMEOUT] .RB [--timeout=TIMEOUT] .RB [--readers] .RB [--drivers] .RB [--services] .RB [--start-all] .RB [-h] .RB [--help] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .B chipcard-tool is a command line client for libchipcard for testing the setup. .SH "ARGUMENTS" .PP .TP .B list List configured readers. .TP .B check Check the specified reader. .TP .B atr Execute ATR on the specified reader. .TP .B monitor Monitor communication between server and clients. .SH "OPTIONS" .PP .TP .B -C FILE | --configfile=FILE Configuration file to load. .TP .B -f FILE | --file=FILE This filename is used when reading or writing data such as public keys, bank information etc. .TP .B --logtype=TYPE Set the logtype (console, file). .TP .B --loglevel=LEVEL Set the log level (info, notice, warning, error). .TP .B --logfile=FILE Set the log file (if log type is "file"). .TP .B -v | --verbous Every occurrence of this option increases the verbosity. .TP .B -a | --showall Show event log for drivers and readers. .TP .B -t TIMEOUT | --timeout=TIMEOUT Set the total timeout for check command. .TP .B --readers Show readers. .TP .B --drivers Show drivers. .TP .B --services Show services. .TP .B --start-all Start all readers when monitoring server .TP .B -h | --help Shows help. .SH "ENVIRONMENT" .SH "FILES" .PP .TP .B /etc/chipcard/ The system-wide configuration files. .TP .B /var/log/chipcard/ The default log files. .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP .TP .B http://www.libchipcard.de Homepage of libchipcard project. .TP .B /usr/share/doc/libchipcard-tools/ Local documentation .SH "BUGS" .SH "REVISION" .\" please add some upstream GIT tags here