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git-remote-hg - bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial


git clone hg::<hg repository>


This tool allows you to transparently clone, fetch and push to and from Mercurial repositories as if they were Git ones.
To use it you simply need to use the " hg::" prefix when specifying a remote URL (e.g. when cloning).



If you want to see Mercurial revisions as Git commit notes:
% git config core.notesRef refs/notes/hg
If you are not interested in Mercurial permanent and global branches (aka. commit labels):
% git config --global remote-hg.track-branches false
With this configuration, the branches/foo refs won’t appear.
If you want the equivalent of hg clone --insecure:
% git config --global remote-hg.insecure true
If you want git-remote-hg to be compatible with hg-git, and generate exactly the same commits:
% git config --global remote-hg.hg-git-compat true


Remember to run git gc --aggressive after cloning a repository, specially if it’s a big one. Otherwise lots of space will be wasted.
The oldest version of Mercurial supported is 1.9. For the most part 1.8 works, but you might experience some issues.

Pushing branches

To push a Mercurial named branch, you need to use the "branches/" prefix:
% git checkout branches/next
# do stuff
% git push origin branches/next
All the pushed commits will receive the "next" Mercurial named branch.
Note: Make sure you don’t have remote-hg.track-branches disabled.

Cloning HTTPS

The simplest way is to specify the user and password in the URL:
You can also use the schemes extension:
bb.prefix =
bb.username = user
bb.password = password
Finally, you can also use the keyring extension.


The only major incompatibility is that Git octopus merges (a merge with more than two parents) are not supported.
Mercurial branches and bookmarks have some limitations of Git branches: you can’t have both dev/feature and dev (as Git uses files and directories to store them).
Multiple anonymous heads (which are useless anyway) are not supported; you would only see the latest head.
Closed branches are not supported; they are not shown and you can’t close or reopen. Additionally in certain rare situations a synchronization issue can occur (Bug #65).