.TH DROBOM 8 October 2008 droboa System Administration Utilities .SH NAME drobom \- CLI for managing drobo units .SH SYNOPSIS .B drobom [ \fIoptions\fR ] \fI \fR[ \fIarguments\fR... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .SS options is one of: .TP \-c, \-\-command the command to execute. .TP \-d, \-\-device the device to operate on (default searches all devices and picks first one found.) .TP \-h, \-\-help print a usage message .TP \-v, \-\-verbose verbosity, a bit-field to trigger increased output as needed, mostly for debugging. 1 - General, 2 - Hardware Dialog, 4 - Initiation, 8 - DMP layer, 16- Detection 64 will print everything... (default: 0, as terse as possible.) 128 enables simulation mode (for testing when no Drobo is available. Dangerous!) .TP \-V, \-\-version print the version id. .SS command is one of: .TP blink identify the drobo by making the lights blink .TP diag dump diagnostics file into /tmp directory .TP diagprint print diagnostics file to standard output .sp .br the diagnostic dump file to print. .TP fwcheck query drobo.com for updates to firmware for the given Drobo fwload load a specific firmware for the given Drobo. Arguments: .sp .br the firmware file to load. .TP fwupgrade upgrade the firmware to the latest and greatest, recommended by DRI .TP help print this text .TP info print information on a Drobo. The argument is a comma separated list of the values below (default is to print all of them): config, capacity, protocol, settings, slots, firmware, status, options, luns .TP list show device files for all Drobos found. .TP name Set the name of the Drobo to the given value ( only firmware > 1.3.0 supports this command ) .TP settime sync Drobo's clock to UTC .TP setlunsize Set the size of LUNS on device. Arguments: .sp integer number of TiB to set the lunsize to .sp Specify 'PleaseEraseMyData' if you really mean it .sp Note: After execution, Drobo reboots, wait a few minutes before accessing again .TP shutdown shutdown drobo (DRI calls this 'standby') .TP status report how is the Drobo doing .SS device raw block device of a drobo (i.e. /dev/sdz) . If not given, assumes all attached drobos. .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by Chris AtLee for the Debian project (but may be used by others).