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al_draw_indexed_prim(3alleg5) Allegro reference manual() al_draw_indexed_prim(3alleg5) Allegro reference manual()


al_draw_indexed_prim - Allegro 5 API


#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h>
int al_draw_indexed_prim(const void* vtxs, const ALLEGRO_VERTEX_DECL* decl,    ALLEGRO_BITMAP* texture, const int* indices, int num_vtx, int type)


Draws a subset of the passed vertex buffer. This function uses an index array to specify which vertices to use.
texture - Texture to use, pass 0 to use only shaded primitves
vtxs - Pointer to an array of vertices
decl - Pointer to a vertex declaration. If set to 0, the vtxs are assumed to be of the ALLEGRO_VERTEX type
indices - An array of indices into the vertex buffer
num_vtx - Number of indices from the indices array you want to draw
type - A member of the ALLEGRO_PRIM_TYPE(3alleg5) enumeration, specifying what kind of primitive to draw
Returns: Number of primitives drawn


ALLEGRO_VERTEX(3alleg5), ALLEGRO_PRIM_TYPE(3alleg5), ALLEGRO_VERTEX_DECL(3alleg5), al_draw_prim(3alleg5)