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TRAFFIC_LINE(8) Apache Traffic Server TRAFFIC_LINE(8)


traffic_line - Traffic Server command line
This utility is deprecated as of v6.0.0, and replaced with traffic_ctl. You should change your tools / scripts to use this new application instead.


traffic_line [options]


traffic_line is used to execute individual Traffic Server commands and to script multiple commands in a shell.


-B, --bounce_cluster
Bounce all Traffic Server nodes in the cluster. Bouncing Traffic Server shuts down and immediately restarts Traffic Server, node-by-node.

-b, --bounce_local
Bounce Traffic Server on the local node. Bouncing Traffic Server shuts down and immediately restarts the Traffic Server node.

-C, --clear_cluster
Clears accumulated statistics on all nodes in the cluster.

-c, --clear_node
Clears accumulated statistics on the local node.

This option modifies the behavior of traffic_line -b and traffic_line -L such that traffic_server is not shut down until the number of active client connections drops to the number given by the proxy.config.restart.active_client_threshold configuration variable.

-h, --help
Print usage information and exit.

-L, --restart_local
Restart the traffic_manager and traffic_server processes on the local node.

-M, --restart_cluster
Restart the traffic_manager process and the traffic_server process on all the nodes in a cluster.

-m REGEX, --match_var REGEX
Display the current values of all performance statistics or configuration variables whose names match the given regular expression.

-r VAR, --read_var VAR
Display specific performance statistics or a current configuration setting.

-s VAR, --set_var VAR
Set the configuration variable named VAR. The value of the configuration variable is given by the traffic_line -v option. Refer to the records.config documentation for a list of the configuration variables you can specify.

-S, --shutdown
Shut down Traffic Server on the local node.

-U, --startup
Start Traffic Server on the local node.

-v VALUE, --value VALUE
Specify the value to set when setting a configuration variable.

-V, --version
Print version information and exit.

-x, --reread_config
Initiate a Traffic Server configuration file reread. Use this command to update the running configuration after any configuration file modification.
The timestamp of the last reconfiguration event (in seconds since epoch) is published in the proxy.node.config.reconfigure_time metric.

-Z, --zero_cluster
Reset performance statistics to zero across the cluster.

-z, --zero_node
Reset performance statistics to zero on the local node.

--offline PATH
Mark a cache storage device as offline. The storage is identified by a path which must match exactly a path specified in storage.config. This removes the storage from the cache and redirects requests that would have used this storage to other storage. This has exactly the same effect as a disk failure for that storage. This does not persist across restarts of the traffic_server process.

List all alarm events that have not been acknowledged (cleared).

--clear_alarms [all | #event | name]
Clear (acknowledge) an alarm event. The arguments are "all" for all current alarms, a specific alarm number (e.g. ''1''), or an alarm string identifier (e.g. ''MGMT_ALARM_PROXY_CONFIG_ERROR'').

Show the current proxy server status, indicating if we're running or not.


Total number of other ssl client connection errors (counts ssl errors that are not captured in other user agent stats below)
Total number of ssl client connection failures where the cert was expired.
Total number of ssl client connection failures where the cert was revoked.
Total number of ssl client connection failures related to the cert, but specific error was unknown.
Total number of ssl client connection failures where cert verification failed.
Total number of ssl client connection failures where the cert is bad.
Total number of ssl client connection decryption failures (during negotiation).
Total number of ssl client connections that provided an invalid protocol version.
Total number of ssl client connection that failed due to unknown ca.
Total number of other ssl origin server connection errors (counts ssl errors that are not captured in other origin server stats below).
Total number of ssl origin server connection failures where the cert was expired.
Total number of ssl origin server connection failures where the cert was revoked.
Total number of ssl origin server connection failures related to the cert where specific error was unknown.
Total number of ssl origin server connection failures where cert verification failed.
Total number of ssl origin server connection failures where the cert is bad.
Total number of ssl origin server connection decryption failures (during negotiation).
Total number of ssl origin server connections that provided an invalid protocol version.
Total number of ssl origin server connection that failed due to unknown ca.
Total number of ssl/tls sessions created.
Total number of session hits. A previous session was reused which resulted in an abbreviated ssl client negotiation.
Total number of session misses. The ssl client provided a session id that was not found in cache and, therefore, could not be used.
Total number of session timeouts. The ssl client provided a session, but it could not be used because it was past the session timeout.
Total number of ssl client connections that used cipherName. The list of cipher statistics is dynamic and depends upon the installed ciphers and the proxy.config.ssl.server.cipher_suite configuration. The set of cipher statistics can be discovered with traffic_line -m. For example:
$ traffic_line -m proxy.process.ssl.cipher.user_agent.
proxy.process.ssl.cipher.user_agent.ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 0
proxy.process.ssl.cipher.user_agent.ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 0
proxy.process.ssl.cipher.user_agent.ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 0
proxy.process.ssl.cipher.user_agent.ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384 0


Cache statistics come in two varieties, global and per cache volume. These will be listed here in the global form. To get a cache volume statistic add .volume_# to the name after cache where # is 1-based index of the volume in storage.config. For example the statistic proxy.process.cache.sync.bytes is a global statistic. The value for the third cache volume is proxy.process.cache.volume_3.sync.bytes.
The total number of bytes written to disk to synchronize the cache directory.
The total time, in nanoseconds, during which the cache directory was being written to disk.
The number of times a cache directory sync has been done.
The number of times a cache stripe has cycled. Each stripe is a circular buffer and this is incremented each time the write cursor is reset to the start of the stripe.


Configure Traffic Server to log in Squid format:
$ traffic_line -s proxy.config.log.squid_log_enabled -v 1
$ traffic_line -s proxy.config.log.squid_log_is_ascii -v 1
$ traffic_ctl config reload


records.config(5), storage.config(5)


October 4, 2016 6.2