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pycodestyle - A tool to check your Python code against some of the style conventions in PEP 8.


pycodestyle [ options] input ...


show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose
print status messages, or debug with -vv
-q, --quiet
report only file names, or nothing with -qq
exclude files or directories which match these comma separated patterns (default: .svn,CVS,.bzr,.hg,.git,__pycache__,.tox)
when parsing directories, only check filenames matching these comma separated patterns (default: *.py)
select errors and warning (e.g. E,W6)
skip errors and warnings (e.g. E4,W) (default: E121,E123,E126,E226,E24,E704,W503)
show first occurrence of each error
-r, --repeat
(obsolete) show all occurrences of the same error
show source code for each error
show text of PEP 8 for each error (implies --first)
count errors and warnings
print total number of errors and warnings to standard error and set exit code to 1 if total is not null
set maximum allowed line length (default: 79)
hang closing bracket instead of matching indentation of opening bracket's line
set the error format [default|pylint|<custom>]
report only lines changed according to the unified diff received on STDIN
measure processing speed
user config file location (default: $HOME/.config/pycodestyle)


Display how often each error was found:
% pycodestyle --statistics -qq example/lib/
Show source code and more verbose explanation from PEP 8:
% pycodestyle --show-source --show-pep8


This manual page was written by David Watson <>, Michael Prokop <> and Ondřej Nový <>.
November 2016 pycodestyle 2.0.0