.TH SANLK\-RESETD 8 2014-08-14 .SH NAME sanlk\-resetd \- host reset daemon .SH SYNOPSIS .B sanlk\-resetd [OPTIONS] .IR lockspace_name " ..." .SH DESCRIPTION The sanlk\-resetd daemon gets events from specified sanlock lockspaces. Events are defined to cause sanlk\-resetd to: .br - use wdmd/watchdog to reset the host .br - use /proc/sysrq\-trigger to reboot the host The sanlk\-reset program can be run on another host to request that sanlk\-resetd reset the host it is running on. Both hosts must be operational and have continued access to a common lockspace for the reset request to succeed. After setting the event, the sanlk\-reset program monitors the host status in the sanlock lockspace until the target host is dead. The sanlk\-reset program can also be run on the same host as sanlk\-resetd to update which lockspaces the local sanlk\-resetd is watching for events. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-\-version, \-V Print version. .TP .B \-\-help, \-h Print usage. .TP .B \-\-foreground, \-f Don't fork. .TP .B \-\-daemon\-debug, \-D Enable debugging to stderr and don't fork. .TP .B \-\-sysrq\-reboot, \-b 0|1 Enable/Disable (1/0) use of /proc/sysrq\-trigger to reboot. .TP .BI "\-\-sysrq\-delay, \-d " sec Delay this many seconds before using /proc/sysrq\-trigger. .TP .B \-\-resource-mode, \-R 0|1 Resource leases are used (1) or not used (0) to protect storage. .SH SEE ALSO .BR sanlk\-reset (8) .BR sanlock (8) .BR wdmd (8)