.TH convbin 1 "July 29 2016" .SH NAME convbin \- convert rtcm/raw/rinex to rinex, sbas/lex format .SH SYNOPSIS convbin [option ...] file .SH DESCRIPTION Convert RTCM, receiver raw data log and RINEX file to RINEX and SBAS/LEX message file. SBAS message file complies with RTKLIB SBAS/LEX message format. It supports the following messages or files. RTCM 2 : Type 1, 3, 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22 RTCM 3 : Type 1002, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1010, 1012, 1019, 1020 Type 1071-1127 (MSM except for compact msg) NovAtel OEMV/4,OEMStar: RANGECMPB, RANGEB, RAWEPHEMB, IONUTCB, RAWWASSFRAMEB NovAtel OEM3 : RGEB, REGD, REPB, FRMB, IONB, UTCB u-blox LEA-4T/5T/6T : RXM-RAW, RXM-SFRB NovAtel Superstar II : ID#20, ID#21, ID#22, ID#23, ID#67 Hemisphere : BIN76, BIN80, BIN94, BIN95, BIN96 SkyTraq S1315F : msg0xDD, msg0xE0, msg0xDC GW10 : msg0x08, msg0x03, msg0x27, msg0x20 Javad : [BR*], [r*], [*R], [*r], [P*], [p*], [*P], [*p], [D*], [*d], [E*], [*E], [F*], [TC], [GE], [NE], [EN], [QE], [UO], [IO], [WD] NVS : BINR BINEX : big-endian, regular CRC, forward record (0xE2), 0x01-01,0x01-02,0x01-03,0x01-04,0x01-06,0x7f-05 Trimble : RT17 Septentrio : SBF RINEX : OBS, NAV, GNAV, HNAV, LNAV, QNAV .SH OPTIONS [default] .IP "file" input receiver binary log file .IP "-ts y/m/d h:m:s" start time [all] .IP "-te y/m/d h:m:s" end time [all] .IP "-tr y/m/d h:m:s" approximated time for rtcm messages .IP "-ti tint" observation data interval (s) [all] .IP "-span span" time span (h) [all] .IP "-r format" log format type rtcm2 = RTCM 2 rtcm3 = RTCM 3 nov = NovAtel OEMV/4/6,OEMStar oem3 = NovAtel OEM3 ubx = ublox LEA-4T/5T/6T ss2 = NovAtel Superstar II hemis = Hemisphere Eclipse/Crescent stq = SkyTraq S1315F javad = Javad nvs = NVS NV08C BINR binex = BINEX rt17 = Trimble RT17 sbf = Septentrio SBF rinex = RINEX .IP "-ro opt" receiver options .IP "-f freq" number of frequencies [2] .IP "-hc comment" rinex header: comment line .IP "-hm marker" rinex header: marker name .IP "-hn markno" rinex header: marker number .IP "-ht marktype" rinex header: marker type .IP "-ho observ" rinex header: oberver name and agency separated by / .IP "-hr rec" rinex header: receiver number, type and version separated by / .IP "-ha ant" rinex header: antenna number and type separated by / .IP "-hp pos" rinex header: approx position x/y/z separated by / .IP "-hd delta" rinex header: antenna delta h/e/n separated by / .IP "-v ver" rinex version [2.11] .IP "-od" include doppler frequency in rinex obs [off] .IP "-os" include snr in rinex obs [off] .IP "-oi" include iono correction in rinex nav header [off] .IP "-ot" include time correction in rinex nav header [off] .IP "-ol" include leap seconds in rinex nav header [off] .IP "-scan" scan input file [off] .IP "-mask [sig[,...]]" signal mask(s) (sig={G|R|E|J|S|C}L{1C|1P|1W|...}) .IP "-nomask [sig[,...]]" signal no mask (same as above) .IP "-x sat" exclude satellite .IP "-y sys" exclude systems (G:GPS,R:GLONASS,E:Galileo,J:QZSS,S:SBAS,C:BeiDou) .IP "-d dir" output directory [same as input file] .IP "-c staid" use RINEX file name convention with staid [off] .IP "-o ofile" output RINEX OBS file .IP "-n nfile" output RINEX NAV file .IP "-g gfile" output RINEX GNAV file .IP "-h hfile" output RINEX HNAV file .IP "-q qfile" output RINEX QNAV file .IP "-l lfile" output RINEX LNAV file .IP "-s sfile" output SBAS message file .IP "-trace level" output trace level [off] .SH NOTES If any output file specified, default output files (.obs, .nav, .gnav, .hnav, .qnav, .lnav and .sbs) are used. .P If receiver type is not specified, type is recognized by the input file extension as follows. *.rtcm2 RTCM 2 *.rtcm3 RTCM 3 *.gps NovAtel OEMV/4/6,OEMStar *.ubx u-blox LEA-4T/5T/6T *.log NovAtel Superstar II *.bin Hemisphere Eclipse/Crescent *.stq SkyTraq S1315F *.jps Javad *.bnx,*binex BINEX *.rt17 Trimble RT17 *.sbf Septentrio SBF *.obs,*.*o RINEX OBS