.\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii voaP2PPlot.1 .\" .TH voaP2PPlot 1 "MAY 2008" Linux "User Manuals" .SH NAME voaP2PPlot \- Plot VOACAP point-to-point predictions .SH SYNOPSIS .B voaP2PPlot [options] aFile .SH DESCRIPTION .B voaP2PPlot A python script used to graphically display the contents of output files produced by VOACAP. .SH OPTIONS .IP "-b band" Where the integer 'band' specifies a band plan to be overlayed on the plot. Supported bandplans are 1:SWL 2:UK Amateur 3:KSA Amateur .IP -c Display contour lines on the image .IP "-f max_frequency" A float used to specify the maximum frequency (MHz) to display, e.g. '-f 20' limits the y-axis to 20MHz. Values must be in the range 5-30MHz Autoscaling may be switched on with the value '-f a'. .IP "-g group" Where group is an integer specifying the group within a file containing multiple groups to plot. Multiple groups must be separated by commas, e.g. '-g 1,3,4' will print groups 1, 3 & 4 .IP -h Prints a help message and quits. .IP "-k, --background" Specify the colour of the background. Any legal HTML color specification is supported e.g '-k red', '-k #eeefff', (default = white) .IP "-l 'label'" Where 'label' is a string printed as a main title at the top of the plot. .IP "-m colour-map" Specifies the colour-map to use. Supported colour maps are 1:Bone, 2:Cool 3:Copper 4:Gray 5:Hot 6:Hsv 7:Jet 8:Pink 9:Spring 10:Summer 11:Winter (default = 8) .IP "-o file-name" Used to specify an output file to save the plot to. The file-name extension defines the output file format. .png/.pdf files are supported. .IP -q Process quietly, don't produce a graph on the screen. This only makes sense when used in conjunction with the -o option. .IP "-r resolution" Specifies the size in Dots per Inch (DPI) of the output image. Default = 150 .IP "-t type" Specifies the type of image to plot. Supported image types are 0:None 1:MUFday 2:REL 3:SNR 4:S DBW (default = 1) .IP "-z time-Zone" Specifies the timezone to shift the plots to. .SH EXAMPLES .IP "voaP2PPlot voacapx.out" Plots the contents of the file voacapx.out. .IP "voaP2PPlot -c -m 3voacapx.out" Plots using colour map 3, adding contour lines to the plot. .IP "voaP2PPlot -b 1 -o plot.pdf voacapx.out" Overlays the plot with the SWL band-plan, saving the plot to the file plot.pdf .IP "voaP2PPlot -t 2 -z 3 voacapx.out" Produces a reliability plot, shifted to a timezone 3 hours ahead of UTC. .SH ENVIRONMENT voaP2PPlot does not require or make use of any environmental variables. The program requires the python library matlibplot to run. .SH BUGS No known bugs, that's probably a sign of incomplete testing rather than a bug free program :-). The program is not very tolerant of incorrect arguments, this will be addressed in future versions. .SH AUTHOR This program was written by James Watson (M0DNS) .SH "ACKNOWLEDGMENTS" Credit and thanks to Jari Perkiomaki, OH6BG (OH6BG) for program testing and suggestions.