.TH greenbone-certdata-sync 8 User Manuals .SH NAME greenbone-certdata-sync \- OpenVAS Manager SCAP sync script .SH SYNOPSIS \fBgreenbone-certdata-sync OPTIONS \f1 .SH DESCRIPTION Update the CERT data from the feed server. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB--version\f1 Print version and exit. .TP \fB--identify\f1 Print machine readable identity information and exit. .TP \fB--describe\f1 Print human readable description. .TP \fB--feedversion\f1 Print feed version and exit. .TP \fB--help\f1 Print help message and exit. .TP \fB--refresh\f1 Only refresh the database. Do not fetch any files. .TP \fB--migrate\f1 Only migrate the database. Do not fetch any files. .TP \fB--selftest\f1 Perform self-test and exit. .TP \fB--feedcurrent\f1 Check whether feed is current. .TP \fB--database=\fIDATABASE\fB\f1 The name of the database. For Posgres backend only. Default is tasks. .SH SEE ALSO \fBopenvasmd(8)\f1, \fBgreenbone-scapdata-sync(8)\f1 .SH MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE OPENVAS PROJECT The canonical places where you will find more information about the OpenVAS project are: \fBhttp://www.openvas.org/\f1 (Official site) \fBhttp://wald.intevation.org/projects/openvas/\f1 (Development Platform) .SH COPYRIGHT The OpenVAS Manager is released under the GNU GPL, version 2, or, at your option, any later version.