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nfstest_delegation - Delegation tests


nfstest_delegation --server <server> [--client <client>] [options]


Basic delegation tests verify that a correct delegation is granted when opening a file for reading or writing. Also, another OPEN should not be sent for the same file when the client is holding a delegation. Verify that the stateid of all I/O operations should be the delegation stateid. Reads from a different process on the same file should not cause the client to send additional READ packets when the client is holding a read delegation. Furthermore, a LOCK packet should not be sent to the server when the client is holding a delegation.

Recall delegation tests verify the delegation is recalled when a conflicting operation is sent to the server from a different client. Conflicting operations are reading, writing, removing, renaming and changing the permissions on the same file. Note that reading a file from a different client can only recall a write delegation. Removing the delegated file from a different client recalls the delegation and the server may or may not allow any more writes from the client after the delegation has been returned. Renaming either the delegated file (as source) or into the delegated file (as target) recalls the delegation. In the case where the delegated file is the target of rename, the existing target is removed before the rename occurs, therefore the server may or may not allow nay more writes from the client after the delegation has been removed just like in the case when removing the delegated file.

Also, verify that a read delegation is not recalled when a different client is granted a read delegation. After a delegation is recalled, the client may send an OPEN with CLAIM_DELEGATE_CUR before returning the delegation specially when there is a open pending on the client. In addition, the stateid returned by the new open should be the same as the original OPEN stateid. Also, a delegation should not be granted when re-opening the file before returning the delegation. The client may flush all written data before returning the WRITE delegation. The LOCK should be sent as well before returning a delegation which has been recalled. Finally, a delegation should not be granted on the second client who cause the delegation recall on the first client.


show program's version number and exit
show this help message and exit
File where options are specified besides the system wide file /etc/nfstest, user wide file $HOME/.nfstest or in the current directory .nfstest file

NFS specific options:

Server name or IP address
Exported file system to mount [default: '/']
NFS version, e.g., 3, 4, 4.1, etc. [default: 4.1]
Mount point [default: '/mnt/t']
NFS server port [default: 2049]
NFS protocol name [default: 'tcp']
Security flavor [default: 'sys']
Multiple TCP connections option [default: '1']
Mount options [default: 'hard,rsize=4096,wsize=4096']
Data directory where files are created, directory is created on the mount point [default: '']

Logging options:

Verbose level for debug messages [default: 'opts|info|dbg1|dbg2|dbg3']
Verbose level for test messages [default: '1']
Create log file
Create rexec log files
Display warnings
Informational tag, it is displayed as an INFO message [default: '']
Do not use terminal colors on output
Use terminal colors on output -- useful when running with nohup

Packet trace options:

Create a packet trace for each test
Capture buffer size for tcpdump [default: 192k]
Seconds to delay before stopping packet trace [default: 2.0]
Do not remove any trace files [default: remove trace files if no errors]
Remove trace files [default: remove trace files if no errors]
Device interface [default: automatically selected]

File options:

Number of files to create [default: 2]
File size to use for test files [default: 64k]
Read size to use when reading files [default: 4k]
Write size to use when writing files [default: 4k]
Seconds to delay I/O operations [default: 0.1]
Read/Write offset delta [default: 4k]

Path options:

Full path of binary for sudo [default: '/usr/bin/sudo']
Full path of binary for kill [default: '/usr/bin/kill']
Full path of binary for nfsstat [default: '/usr/sbin/nfsstat']
Full path of binary for tcpdump [default: '/usr/sbin/tcpdump']
Full path of binary for iptables [default: '/usr/sbin/iptables']
Full path of log messages file [default: '/var/log/messages']
Full path of tracing events directory [default: '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events']
Full path of trace pipe file [default: '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe']
Temporary directory [default: '/tmp']

Debug options:

Do not cleanup created files
Do not display timestamps in debug messages
File containing test messages to mark as bugs if they failed
Do not mount server and run the tests on local disk space
Base name for all files and logs [default: automatically generated]
Set NFS kernel debug flags and save log messages [default: '']
Set RPC kernel debug flags and save log messages [default: '']
List of trace points modules to enable [default: '']
Get NFS stats [default: 'False']
Display main packets related to the given test
Fail every NFS error found in the packet trace
IP address of localhost

Reporting options:

Generate xUnit compatible test report
Path to xout report file

Test options:

Comma separated list of tests to run, if list starts with a '^' then all tests are run except the ones listed [default: 'all']
Remote NFS client and options used for recall delegation tests. Clients are separated by a ',' and each client definition is a list of arguments separated by a ':' given in the following order if positional arguments is used (see examples): clientname:server:export:nfsversion:port:proto:sec:mtpoint [default: 'nfsversion=3:proto=tcp:port=2049']
Comma separated list of valid NFS versions to use in the --client option. An NFS version from this list, which is different than that given by --nfsversion, is selected and included in the --client option [default: 4.0,4.1]
Starting offset for lock [default: 0]
Starting offset for lock on pending open [default: 8192]
Number of bytes to lock [default: 4096]
Truncate file when writing from the second file for the recall tests
Seconds to delay after setup so all opens are released [default: 4.0]



Run all basic delegation tests: basic01, basic02, basic03, basic04,
basic05, basic06, basic07, basic08, basic09, basic10, basic11, basic12


Run all basic delegation tests with file stat: basic03, basic04,
basic09, basic10


Run all basic delegation tests with file lock: basic05, basic06,
basic11, basic12


Basic read delegation test


Basic write delegation test


Basic read delegation test with file stat


Basic write delegation test with file stat


Basic read delegation test with file lock


Basic write delegation test with file lock


Basic write delegation test using RDWR open while reading


Basic write delegation test using RDWR open while writing


Basic write delegation test using RDWR open while reading with file stat


Basic write delegation test using RDWR open while writing with file stat


Basic write delegation test using RDWR open while reading with file lock


Basic write delegation test using RDWR open while writing with file lock


Run all recall delegation tests: recall01, recall02, recall03, recall04,
recall05, recall06, recall07, recall08, recall09, recall10, recall11,
recall12, recall13, recall14, recall15, recall16, recall17, recall18,
recall19, recall20, recall21, recall22, recall23, recall24, recall25,
recall26, recall27, recall28, recall29, recall30, recall31, recall32,
recall33, recall34, recall35, recall36, recall37, recall38, recall39,
recall40, recall41, recall42, recall43, recall44, recall45, recall46,
recall47, recall48, recall49, recall50, recall51, recall52, recall53,


Run all tests using SETATTR to recall the delegation: recall07,
recall08, recall09, recall10, recall35, recall36, recall37, recall38


Run all tests recalling the delegation by removing the delegated file:
recall11, recall12, recall13, recall14, recall39, recall40, recall41,


Run all tests recalling the delegation by renaming the delegated file:
recall15, recall16, recall17, recall18, recall19, recall20, recall21,
recall22, recall43, recall44, recall45, recall46, recall47, recall48,
recall49, recall50


Run all recall delegation tests having a pending open: recall23,
recall24, recall25, recall26, recall51, recall52, recall53, recall54


Recall read delegation by writing from a second client


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client


Recall read delegation by writing from a second client with file lock


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client with file lock


Recall write delegation by reading from a second client


Recall write delegation by reading from a second client with file lock


Recall read delegation by changing the permissions to the file


Recall write delegation by changing the permissions to the file


Recall read delegation by changing the permissions to the file with file lock


Recall write delegation by changing the permissions to the file with file lock


Recall read delegation by removing the file


Recall write delegation by removing the file


Recall read delegation by removing the file with file lock


Recall write delegation by removing the file with file lock


Recall read delegation by renaming the file


Recall write delegation by renaming the file


Recall read delegation by renaming the file with file lock


Recall write delegation by renaming the file with file lock


Recall read delegation by renaming into the file


Recall write delegation by renaming into the file


Recall read delegation by renaming into the file with file lock


Recall write delegation by renaming into the file with file lock


Recall read delegation by writing from a second client with file lock,
having a pending read open


Recall read delegation by writing from a second client with file lock,
having a pending write open.
Delegation is returned by the client when the second open is done so
there is no delegation recall


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client with file lock,
having a pending read open


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client with file lock,
having a pending write open


Recall write delegation by reading from a second client using RDWR
open while reading


Recall write delegation by reading from a second client using RDWR
open while writing


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client using RDWR
open while reading


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client using RDWR
open while writing


Recall write delegation by reading from a second client using RDWR
open while reading with file lock


Recall write delegation by reading from a second client using RDWR
open while writing with file lock


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client using RDWR
open while reading with file lock


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client using RDWR
open while writing with file lock


Recall write delegation by changing the permissions to the file
from a second client using RDWR open while reading


Recall write delegation by changing the permissions to the file
from a second client using RDWR open while writing


Recall write delegation by changing the permissions to the file
from a second client using RDWR open while reading with file lock


Recall write delegation by changing the permissions to the file
from a second client using RDWR open while writing with file lock


Recall write delegation by removing the file from a second client
using RDWR open while reading


Recall write delegation by removing the file from a second client
using RDWR open while writing


Recall write delegation by removing the file from a second client
using RDWR open while reading with file lock


Recall write delegation by removing the file from a second client
using RDWR open while writing with file lock


Recall write delegation by renaming the file from a second client
using RDWR open while reading


Recall write delegation by renaming the file from a second client
using RDWR open while writing


Recall write delegation by renaming the file from a second client
using RDWR open while reading with file lock


Recall write delegation by renaming the file from a second client
using RDWR open while writing with file lock


Recall write delegation by renaming the file from a second client
using RDWR open while reading


Recall write delegation by renaming the file from a second client
using RDWR open while writing


Recall write delegation by renaming the file from a second client
using RDWR open while reading with file lock


Recall write delegation by renaming the file from a second client
using RDWR open while writing with file lock


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client using RDWR
open while reading with file lock, having a pending read open


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client using RDWR
open while reading with file lock, having a pending write open


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client using RDWR
open while writing with file lock, having a pending read open


Recall write delegation by writing from a second client using RDWR
open while writing with file lock, having a pending write open


Run all read delegation tests: basic01, basic03, basic05, recall01,
recall03, recall07, recall09, recall11, recall13, recall15, recall17,
recall19, recall21, recall23, recall24


Run all write delegation tests: basic02, basic04, basic06, basic07,
basic08, basic09, basic10, basic11, basic12, recall02, recall04,
recall05, recall06, recall08, recall10, recall12, recall14, recall16,
recall18, recall20, recall22, recall25, recall26, recall27, recall28,
recall29, recall30, recall31, recall32, recall33, recall34, recall35,
recall36, recall37, recall38, recall39, recall40, recall41, recall42,
recall43, recall44, recall45, recall46, recall47, recall48, recall49,
recall50, recall51, recall52, recall53, recall54


Run all tests: basic01, basic02, basic03, basic04, basic05, basic06,
basic07, basic08, basic09, basic10, basic11, basic12, recall01,
recall02, recall03, recall04, recall05, recall06, recall07, recall08,
recall09, recall10, recall11, recall12, recall13, recall14, recall15,
recall16, recall17, recall18, recall19, recall20, recall21, recall22,
recall23, recall24, recall25, recall26, recall27, recall28, recall29,
recall30, recall31, recall32, recall33, recall34, recall35, recall36,
recall37, recall38, recall39, recall40, recall41, recall42, recall43,
recall44, recall45, recall46, recall47, recall48, recall49, recall50,
recall51, recall52, recall53, recall54


Run the basic delegation tests (no client option):
nfstest_delegation --server --export /exports

Use short options instead:
nfstest_delegation -s -e /exports

Run both the basic and recall tests using positional arguments with nfsversion=3 for the second client:
nfstest_delegation -s -e /exports --client

Use named arguments instead:
nfstest_delegation -s -e /exports --client


The user id in the local host and the host specified by --client must have access to run commands as root using the 'sudo' command without the need for a password.

The user id must be able to 'ssh' to remote host without the need for a password.


nfstest.test_util(3), nfstest_alloc(1), nfstest_cache(1), nfstest_dio(1), nfstest_fcmp(1), nfstest_file(1), nfstest_interop(1), nfstest_io(1), nfstest_lock(1), nfstest_pkt(1), nfstest_pnfs(1), nfstest_posix(1), nfstest_rdma(1), nfstest_sparse(1), nfstest_ssc(1), nfstest_xattr(1), nfstest_xid(1), packet.nfs.nfs3_const(3), packet.nfs.nfs4_const(3)


No known bugs.


Jorge Mora (

21 March 2023 NFStest 3.2