.TH BLST2TKNS 1 2023-02-02 NCBI "NCBI Entrez Direct User's Manual" .SH NAME blst2tkns \- tokenize XML\-formatted magicblast output .SH SYNOPSIS \fBblst2tkns\fP .SH DESCRIPTION \fBblst2tkns\fP reads XML\-formatted \fBmagicblast\fP output from standard input and summarizes details on standard output in a tab\-delimited two\-column key/value table. NB: At the time of this writing, \fBmagicblast\fP cannot produce suitable XML output itself; instead, you can request ASN.1 output via \fB\-outfmt asn\fP and pipe the result through \fBtransmute \-a2x\fP. .SH SEE ALSO .BR split\-at\-intron (1), .BR transmute (1).