.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.49.3. .TH MINI-BUILDD-API "1" "April 2024" "mini-buildd-api 2.2.0" "User Commands" .SH NAME mini-buildd-api \- Run API calls against a mini-buildd instance .SH DESCRIPTION usage: mini\-buildd\-api [\-h] [\-\-version] [\-l LOG_LEVEL] [\-J] [\-\-auto\-confirm] .TP [\-\-auto\-save\-passwords] [\-\-script\-mode] [options] ... .PP Run API calls against a mini\-buildd instance .SS "options:" .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR show this help message and exit .TP \fB\-\-version\fR show program's version number and exit .TP \fB\-l\fR LOG_LEVEL, \fB\-\-log\-level\fR LOG_LEVEL set log level (if none given, ['WARNING', 'mini_buildd.INFO'] is applied by default). May also be given as ``.`` to effect individual loggers only, and multiple times (check existing logs for actual logger names). (default: None) .TP \fB\-J\fR, \fB\-\-json\fR use parsable json output (default: False) .TP \fB\-\-auto\-confirm\fR force\-bypass extra confirmation (for confirmable calls) (default: False) .TP \fB\-\-auto\-save\-passwords\fR don't ask before saving passwords (via python3\-keyring) (default: False) .TP \fB\-\-script\-mode\fR force not to be interactive (default: False) .SS "API calls (run 'mini-buildd-api --help' for full single call help):" .IP [options] .TP status Get status of this instance .IP JSON result description: .TP { "version": mini\-buildd's version "identity": Instance identity "url": Instance URL (HTTP) "incoming_url": Incoming URL (currently FTP) "load": Instance's (0 =< load <= 1). If negative, the instance is stopped "chroots": List of active chroots "remotes": Active or auto\-reactivatable remotes ["repositories": Simplified structural representation of all repositories] .IP } .TP Authorization: NONE \&. .TP pub_key Get public key .IP Get ASCII\-armored GnuPG public key of this instance. .IP Used to sign the apt repositories (apt key) and for authorization across instances. .TP Authorization: NONE \&. .TP dput_conf Get recommended dput config snippet .IP Usually, this is for integration in your personal ``~/.dput.cf``. .TP Authorization: NONE \&. .TP sources_list Get sources.list (apt lines) .IP Usually, this output is put to a file like ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mini\-buildd\-xyz.list``. .TP Authorization: NONE \&. .TP ls List source package in repository .TP Authorization: NONE \&. .TP show Show source package in repository .TP Authorization: NONE \&. .TP debdiff Compare two internal source packages .TP Authorization: NONE \&. .TP migrate Migrate source package .TP Migrates a source package along with all its binary packages. If run for a rollback distribution, this will perform a rollback restore. .TP Authorization: STAFF \&. .TP remove Remove source package .IP Removes a source package along with all its binary packages. .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP port Port internal source package .TP An internal 'port' is a no\-changes (i.e., only the changelog will be adapted) rebuild of the given locally\-installed package. .IP When ``from_distribution`` equals ``to_distribution``, a rebuild will be done. .TP Authorization: STAFF \&. .TP port_ext Port external source package .TP An external 'port' is a no\-changes (i.e., only the changelog will be adapted) rebuild of any given source package. .TP Authorization: STAFF \&. .TP retry Retry a previously failed source package .IP JSON result description: .IP Changes file name that has been re\-uploaded .TP Authorization: STAFF \&. .TP cancel Cancel an ongoing package build .TP Authorization: STAFF \&. .TP set_user_key Set a user's GnuPG public key .TP Authorization: LOGIN \&. .TP subscribe Subscribe to (email) notifications .TP Authorization: LOGIN \&. .TP unsubscribe Unsubscribe from (email) notifications .TP Authorization: LOGIN \&. .TP remake_chroots Remake chroots .IP Run actions 'remove', 'prepare', 'check' and 'activate'. .IP Note that Daemon will be stopped before running, cancelling ongoing events (``BUILDING``, ``PACKAGING``). .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP start Start Daemon (accept incoming) .IP Does nothing if already started; will fail if Daemon instance is not activated. .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP stop Stop Daemon (stop accepting incoming) .IP Does nothing if already stopped. Any possibly running builds will be cancelled. .IP This state is *not persisted*. Please *deactivate* the Daemon instance via :mbdpage:`setup` to persist over *mini\-buildd service* restarts. .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP wake Wake a remote instance .TP Authorization: STAFF \&. .TP handshake Check if signed message matches a remote, reply our signed message on success .IP This is for internal use only. .TP Authorization: NONE \&. .TP cronjob Run a cron job now (out of schedule) .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP uploaders Get upload permissions for repositories .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP snapshot_ls Get list of repository snapshots for a distribution .TP Authorization: NONE \&. .TP snapshot_create Create a repository snapshot .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP snapshot_delete Delete a repository snapshot .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP debmirror Make local partial repository mirror via :debpkg:`debmirror` .TP This may be useful if you plan on publishing a stripped\-down (f.e., only certain repos, only ``stable``, omit rollbacks) variant of your repo somewhere remote. .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP keyring_packages Build keyring packages .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP test_packages Build test packages .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .TP setup Create, update or inspect your setup .IP Note that Daemon will be stopped before running, cancelling ongoing events (``BUILDING``, ``PACKAGING``). .TP Authorization: ADMIN \&. .PP Note: Uses ``python3\-keyring`` to persist passwords (see ``man 1 keyring``)