.\" Manpage for srpc_generator. .\" Contact LQi254@protonmail.com to correct any errors or typos. .TH man 1 "15 JUN 2022" "0.9.6" "srpc_generator man page" .SH NAME srpc_generator \- generates the intermediate code according to input IDL files. .SH SNYNOPSIS srpc_generator .SH DESCRIPTION Generate intermediate code according to the Interface Description Language (IDL) file. .SH OPTIONS .SS mandatory: .TP The supported IDL_TYPEs are protobuf and thrift. .TP IDL_FILE is the top IDL file name. Only need to input one file name and the correlated files will be parsed recursively. .TP The generated code file will be placed in the OUTPUT_DIR directory. .SH BUGS No known bugs. .SH AUTHOR Lance Lin (LQi254@protonmail.com))