.\" This manpage content is licensed under Creative Commons .\" Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) .\" https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ .\" This manpage was generated from SDL's wiki page for SDL_AttachVirtualJoystick: .\" https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_AttachVirtualJoystick .\" Generated with SDL/build-scripts/wikiheaders.pl .\" revision SDL-3.1.0 .\" Please report issues in this manpage's content at: .\" https://github.com/libsdl-org/sdlwiki/issues/new .\" Please report issues in the generation of this manpage from the wiki at: .\" https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/issues/new?title=Misgenerated%20manpage%20for%20SDL_AttachVirtualJoystick .\" SDL can be found at https://libsdl.org/ .de URL \$2 \(laURL: \$1 \(ra\$3 .. .if \n[.g] .mso www.tmac .TH SDL_AttachVirtualJoystick 3 "SDL 3.1.0" "SDL" "SDL3 FUNCTIONS" .SH NAME SDL_AttachVirtualJoystick \- Attach a new virtual joystick\[char46] .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include \(dqSDL3/SDL.h\(dq .PP .BI "SDL_JoystickID SDL_AttachVirtualJoystick(SDL_JoystickType type, .BI " int naxes, .BI " int nbuttons, .BI " int nhats); .fi .SH FUNCTION PARAMETERS .TP .I type type of joystick .TP .I naxes number of axes .TP .I nbuttons number of buttons .TP .I nhats number of hats .SH RETURN VALUE Returns the joystick instance ID, or 0 if an error occurred; call .BR SDL_GetError () for more information\[char46] .SH AVAILABILITY This function is available since SDL 3\[char46]0\[char46]0\[char46] .SH SEE ALSO .BR SDL_AttachVirtualJoystickEx (3), .BR SDL_DetachVirtualJoystick (3)