.TH CO2BRINEPVT "1" "April 2022" "co2brinepvt" "User Commands" .SH NAME co2brinepvt \- compute and print pvt properties for co2 with brine .SH DESCRIPTION co2brinepvt computes PVT properties of a brine/co2 system for a given phase (oil or brine), pressure, temperature, salinity and rs. The properties support are: density, the inverse phase formation volume factor (invB), viscosity, saturated dissolution factor (rsSat) See CO2STORE in the OPM manual for more details. .PP .SH Synopsis co2brinepvt

.br where .br prop = {density, invB, B, viscosity, rsSat, diffusionCoefficient} .br phase = {CO2, brine} .br p: pressure in pascal .br T: temperature in kelvin .br salinity(optional): salt molality in mol/kg .nr rs(optional): amount of dissolved CO2 in Brine in SM3/SM3 .PP .SH OPTIONS \fB\-\-h\fR/\-\-help Print help and exit.