.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "notcurses_reel" "3" "v2.0.4" "" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP notcurses_reel - high-level widget for hierarchical data .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]#include \f[R] .IP .nf \f[C] #define NCREEL_OPTION_INFINITESCROLL 0x0001 #define NCREEL_OPTION_CIRCULAR 0x0002 struct ncreel; struct nctablet; typedef struct ncreel_options { // notcurses can draw a border around the ncreel, and also // around the component tablets. inhibit borders by setting all // valid bits in the masks. partially inhibit borders by setting // individual bits in the masks. the appropriate attr and pair // values will be used to style the borders. focused and // non-focused tablets can have different styles. you can instead // draw your own borders, or forgo borders entirely. unsigned bordermask; // bitfield; 1s will not be drawn uint64_t borderchan; // attributes used for ncreel border unsigned tabletmask; // bitfield for tablet borders uint64_t tabletchan; // tablet border styling channel uint64_t focusedchan;// focused tablet border styling channel uint64_t flags; // bitfield over NCREEL_OPTION_* } ncreel_options; \f[R] .fi .PP \f[B]struct ncreel* ncreel_create(struct ncplane* \f[R]\f[I]nc\f[R]\f[B], const ncreel_options* \f[R]\f[I]popts\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]struct ncplane* ncreel_plane(struct ncreel* \f[R]\f[I]nr\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]typedef int (\f[BI]tabletcb)(struct nctablet\f[B] \f[R]\f[I]t\f[R]\f[B], bool \f[R]\f[I]cliptop\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]struct nctablet* ncreel_add(struct ncreel* \f[R]\f[I]nr\f[R]\f[B], struct nctablet* \f[R]\f[I]after\f[R]\f[B], struct nctablet* \f[R]\f[I]before\f[R]\f[B], tabletcb \f[R]\f[I]cb\f[R]\f[B], void* \f[R]\f[I]opaque\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]int ncreel_tabletcount(const struct ncreel* \f[R]\f[I]nr\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]int ncreel_del(struct ncreel* \f[R]\f[I]nr\f[R]\f[B], struct nctablet* \f[R]\f[I]t\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]int ncreel_redraw(struct ncreel* \f[R]\f[I]nr\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]struct nctablet* ncreel_focused(struct ncreel* \f[R]\f[I]nr\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]struct nctablet* ncreel_next(struct ncreel* \f[R]\f[I]nr\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]struct nctablet* ncreel_prev(struct ncreel* \f[R]\f[I]nr\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]void ncreel_destroy(struct ncreel* \f[R]\f[I]nr\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]void* nctablet_userptr(struct nctablet* \f[R]\f[I]t\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .PP \f[B]struct ncplane* nctablet_plane(struct nctablet* \f[R]\f[I]t\f[R]\f[B]);\f[R] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP An \f[B]ncreel\f[R] is a widget for display and manipulation of hierarchal data, intended to make effective use of the display area while supporting keyboards, mice, and haptic interfaces. A series of \f[B]nctablet\f[R]s are ordered on a virtual cylinder; the tablets can grow and shrink freely, while moving among the tablets \[lq]spins\[rq] the cylinder. \f[B]ncreel\f[R]s support optional borders around the reel and/or tablets. .PP \f[B]ncreel_redraw\f[R] arranges the tablets, invoking the \f[B]tabletcb\f[R] defined by each. It will invoke the callbacks of only those tablets currently visible. This function ought be called whenever the data within a tablet need be refreshed. The return value of this callback is the number of lines drawn into the \f[B]ncplane\f[R]. The tablet will be grown or shrunk as necessary to reflect this return value. .PP Unless the reel is devoid of tablets, there is always a \[lq]focused\[rq] tablet (the first tablet added to an empty reel becomes focused). The focused tablet can change via \f[B]ncreel_next\f[R] and \f[B]ncreel_prev\f[R]. If \f[B]ncreel_del\f[R] is called on the focused tablet, and at least one other tablet remains, some tablet receives the focus. .SH RETURN VALUES .SH SEE ALSO .PP \f[B]notcurses(3)\f[R], \f[B]notcurses_plane(3)\f[R] .SH AUTHORS nick black .