.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "MINIASYNC_VDM" "7" "2022-09-04" "MINIASYNC - miniasync version 0.2.1" "MINIASYNC Programmer's Manual" .hy .\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause .\" Copyright 2020-2022, Intel Corporation .SH NAME .PP \f[B]miniasync_vdm\f[R] - virtual data mover API for miniasync library .SH SYNOPSIS .IP .nf \f[C] #include typedef void *(*vdm_operation_new) (struct vdm *vdm, const enum vdm_operation_type type); typedef int (*vdm_operation_start)(void *data, const struct vdm_operation *operation, struct future_notifier *n); typedef enum future_state (*vdm_operation_check)(void *data, const struct vdm_operation *operation); typedef void (*vdm_operation_delete)(void *data, const struct vdm_operation *operation, struct vdm_operation_output *output); struct vdm { vdm_operation_new op_new; vdm_operation_delete op_delete; vdm_operation_start op_start; vdm_operation_check op_check; unsigned capabilities; }; enum vdm_operation_type { VDM_OPERATION_MEMCPY, VDM_OPERATION_MEMMOVE, VDM_OPERATION_MEMSET, VDM_OPERATION_FLUSH, }; enum vdm_operation_result { VDM_SUCCESS, VDM_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, VDM_ERROR_JOB_CORRUPTED, }; struct vdm_operation_data { void *data; struct vdm *vdm; struct vdm_operation operation; }; struct vdm_operation_output { enum vdm_operation_type type; enum vdm_operation_result result; union { struct vdm_operation_output_memcpy memcpy; struct vdm_operation_output_memmove memmove; struct vdm_operation_output_memset memset; struct vdm_operation_output_flush flush; } output; }; \f[R] .fi .PP For general description of miniasync, see \f[B]miniasync\f[R](7). .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Virtual data mover API forms the basis of various concrete data movers. It is an abstraction that the data mover implementations should adapt for compatibility with the \f[B]miniasync_future\f[R](7) feature. .PP \f[I]struct vdm\f[R] is a structure required by every virtual data mover operation, for example \f[B]vdm_memcpy\f[R](3). \f[I]struct vdm\f[R] has following members: .IP \[bu] 2 \f[I]op_new\f[R] - allocations needed for the specified operation type .IP \[bu] 2 \f[I]op_delete\f[R] - deallocations and finalizations of operation .IP \[bu] 2 \f[I]op_start\f[R] - populates operation data and starts the execution of the task .IP \[bu] 2 \f[I]op_check\f[R] - data mover task status check .PP Currently, virtual data mover API supports following operation types: .IP \[bu] 2 \f[B]VDM_OPERATION_MEMCPY\f[R] - a memory copy operation .IP \[bu] 2 \f[B]VDM_OPERATION_MEMMOVE\f[R] - a memory move operation .IP \[bu] 2 \f[B]VDM_OPERATION_MEMSET\f[R] - a memory set operation .IP \[bu] 2 \f[B]VDM_OPERATION_FLUSH\f[R] - a cache flush operation .PP For more information about concrete data mover implementations, see \f[B]miniasync_vdm_threads\f[R](7), \f[B]miniasync_vdm_synchronous\f[R](7) and \f[B]miniasync_vdm_dml\f[R](7). .PP For more information about the usage of virtual data mover API, see \f[I]examples\f[R] directory in miniasync repository . .SS RETURN VALUE .PP The vdm operations always return a new instance of a \f[V]vdm_operation_future\f[R] structure. If initialization is successful, this future is idle and ready to be polled. Otherwise, the future is immediately complete and the specific error can be read from the \f[I]result\f[R] field of the \f[I]vdm_operation_output\f[R] structure. Already complete can also be safely polled, which has no effect. Depending on the vdm implementation, the operation\[cq]s processing can also fail, in which case the error can be similarly found in the same location. .PP The \f[I]result\f[R] field can be set to one of the following values: .IP \[bu] 2 \f[B]VDM_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY\f[R] - data mover has insufficient memory to create a a new operation. This usually indicates that there are too many pending operations. .IP \[bu] 2 \f[B]VDM_ERROR_JOB_CORRUPTED\f[R] - data mover encountered an error during internal job processing. The specific cause depends on the implementation. .SH SEE ALSO .PP \f[B]vdm_flush\f[R](3), \f[B]vdm_memcpy\f[R](3), \f[B]vdm_memmove\f[R](3), \f[B]vdm_memset\f[R](3), \f[B]miniasync\f[R](7), \f[B]miniasync_future\f[R](7), \f[B]miniasync_vdm_dml\f[R](7), \f[B]miniasync_vdm_synchronous\f[R](7), \f[B]miniasync_vdm_threads\f[R](7) and \f[B]\f[R]