.\" t .\" @(#)import.3 02/24/2024 .TH import 3x "AfterStep v.2.2.12" "Feb 24 2024" "AfterStep X11 window manager" .UC .SH NAME \fBimport\fP\ \- functionality for reading images from files libAfterImage/import\&.h .SH NAMEimport \- Image file format autodetection, reading and decoding routines\&. .SH SEE ALSO .fi Functions : file2ASImage(), get_asimage(), file2pixmap() Other libAfterImage modules : ascmap\&.h asfont\&.h asimage\&.h asvisual\&.h blender\&.h export\&.h import\&.h transform\&.h ximage\&.h .fi .SH AUTHOR .fi Sasha Vasko .fi libAfterImage/gamma .SH NAMESCREEN_GAMMA \- Defines default value for screen gamma correction\&. .SH SOURCE .in +4n .fi #define SCREEN_GAMMA 2\&.2 #define DEFAULT_PNG_IMAGE_GAMMA 0\&.45455 .fi .in libAfterImage/ASImageFileTypes .SH NAMEASImageFileTypes \- List of known image file formats\&. .SH SOURCE .in +4n .fi typedef enum { ASIT_Xpm = 0, ASIT_ZCompressedXpm, ASIT_GZCompressedXpm, ASIT_Png, ASIT_Jpeg, ASIT_Xcf, ASIT_Ppm, ASIT_Pnm, ASIT_Bmp, ASIT_Ico, ASIT_Cur, ASIT_Gif, ASIT_Tiff, ASIT_XMLScript, ASIT_SVG, /* reserved for future implementation : */ ASIT_Xbm, ASIT_Targa, ASIT_Supported = ASIT_Targa, ASIT_Pcx, ASIT_HTML, ASIT_XML, ASIT_Unknown }ASImageFileTypes; .fi .in libAfterImage/ASImageListEntry .SH NAMEASImageListEntry \- entry in linked list of images loaded from single directory\&. .SH SOURCE .in +4n .fi typedef struct ASImageListEntryBuffer { #define ASILEB_Dirty (0x01<<0) #define ASILEB_Binary (0x01<<1) ASFlagType flags ; size_t size ; char *data ; }ASImageListEntryBuffer; typedef struct ASImageListEntry { #define MAGIC_ASIMAGE_LIST_ENTRY 0xA3A311E4 #define IS_ASIMAGE_LIST_ENTRY(e) (((e)!=NULL)&&((e)\->magic==MAGIC_ASIMAGE_LIST_ENTRY)&&((e)\->ref_count>0)) unsigned long magic ; struct ASImageListEntry *prev, *next ; char *name ; char *fullfilename ; ASImageFileTypes type; ASImage *preview; #ifndef _WIN32 mode_t d_mode; #endif time_t d_mtime; off_t d_size; /* total size, in bytes */ ASImageListEntryBuffer *buffer ; int ref_count; }ASImageListEntry; .fi .in libAfterImage/import/file2ASImage() .SH NAMEfile2ASImage() \- load ASImage from file\&. .SH SYNOPSIS .fi ASImage *file2ASImage( const char *file, ASFlagType what, double gamma, unsigned int compression, \&.\&.\&. ); .fi .SH INPUTS .IP "file" \- file name with or without directory name .IP "what" \- reserved for future use .IP "gamma" \- gamma value to be used to correct image .IP "compression" \- compression level of the resulting ASImage .IP "\&.\&.\&." \- NULL terminated list of strings, representing arbitrary number of directories to be searched each\&. .SH RETURN VALUE .fi Pointer to ASImage structure holding image data on success\&. NULL on failure .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .fi file2ASImage will attempt to interpret filename in the following way: 1)It will try to find file using unmodified filename in all the provided search paths\&. 2)It will attempt to append \&.gz and then \&.Z to the filename and find such file in all the provided search paths\&. 3)If filename ends with extension consisting of digits only \- it will attempt to find file with this extension stripped off\&. On success this extension will be used to load subimage from the file with that number\&. Subimages are supported only for XCF, GIF, BMP, ICO and CUR files\&. After the file is found file2ASImage() attempts to detect file format, and if it is known it will load it into new ASImage structure\&. .fi .SH EXAMPLE .fi asview\&.c: ASView\&.2 .fi libAfterImage/import/get_asimage() .SH NAMEget_asimage() \- increment reference counter if file is already loaded, or load image from file\&. .SH SYNOPSIS .fi ASImage *get_asimage( ASImageManager* imageman, const char *file, ASFlagType what, unsigned int compression ); .fi .SH INPUTS .IP "imageman" \- pointer to valid ASVisual structure\&. .IP "file" \- root window ID for the destination screen\&. .IP "what" \- full image file's name with path\&. .IP "compression" \- .SH RETURN VALUE .fi Pointer to ASImage structure holding image data on success\&. NULL on failure .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .fi get_asimage will attempt check with the ASImageManager's list of load images, and if image with requested filename already exists \- it will increment its reference count and return its pointer\&. Otherwise it will call file2ASImage() to load image from file\&. It will use PATH and gamma values from the ASImageManager to pass to file2ASImage()\&. If image is successfully loaded \- it will be added to the ASImageManager's list and its pointer will be returned\&. .fi .SH SEE ALSO .fi file2ASImage() .fi libAfterImage/import/file2pixmap() .SH NAMEfile2pixmap() \- convenience function to load file into X Pixmap\&. .SH SYNOPSIS .fi Pixmap file2pixmap( struct ASVisual *asv, Window root, const char *realfilename, Pixmap *mask_out); .fi .SH INPUTS .IP "asv" \- pointer to valid ASVisual structure\&. .IP "root" \- root window ID for the destination screen\&. .IP "realfilename" \- full image file's name with path\&. .SH RETURN VALUE .fi Pixmap ID of the X Pixmap filled with loaded image\&. If mask_out is not NULL it will point to image mask Pixmap ID if there is an alpha channel in image, None otherwise\&. On failure None will be returned\&. .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .fi file2pixmap() will attempt to open specified file and autodetect its format\&. If format is known it will load it into ASImage first, and then convert it into X Pixmap\&. In case image has alpha channel \- mask Pixmap will be produced if mask_out is not NULL\&. .fi