.TH wxGUI.tplot 1grass "" "GRASS 8.3.2" "GRASS GIS User's Manual" .SH wxGUI Temporal Plot Tool .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBTemporal Plot Tool\fR is a \fIwxGUI\fR component that queries and plots the values of a point, defined by a coordinate pair, in one or more temporal datasets (strds, stvds, str3ds). .PP Supported features: .RS 4n .IP \(bu 4n temporal datasets with interval/point and absolute/relative time, .IP \(bu 4n show simple linear regression model line with calculated formula .br .nf \fC y = a + b*x (y is dependent variable, a is intercept, b is slope, x is explanatory variable) \fR .fi and .br .nf \fC r\-squared (parameter of goodness\-of\-fit measure for linear regression model) \fR .fi .IP \(bu 4n pop\-up annotations with values information, .IP \(bu 4n query and plot multiple points via the command line, .IP \(bu 4n zoom and pan, .IP \(bu 4n change labels to x and y axes, .IP \(bu 4n add title to the plot, and .IP \(bu 4n export the time series values to a CSV file (x axis data has date time string format, if you want to use for calculating simple regression model in the R environment, LibreOffice etc., you will obtain a different calculated formula .br .nf \fC y = a + b*x \fR .fi because these software packages use a reference date other than the UNIX Epoch time (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970)). .RE .br \fIFigure: Temporal Plot Tool\fR To optionally add a title to the temporal plot and/or change the x and y axes labels, first type the desired text and then click \fIDraw\fR as showed below. .br \fIFigure: Add title and labels to a time series plot\fR To export the time series data to a text file (date and data values), type a name for the file and click \fIDraw\fR again. Optionally, set the check\-box to print headers, as well. .br \fIFigure: Export time series values to a text file\fR .SH NOTES \fIg.gui.tplot\fR requires the Python plotting library Matplotlib. .SH SEE ALSO \fI Temporal data processing .br wxGUI .br wxGUI components \fR .SH AUTHOR Luca Delucchi, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy .SH SOURCE CODE .PP Available at: wxGUI Temporal Plot Tool source code (history) .PP Accessed: Thursday Mar 07 18:17:06 2024 .PP Main index | GUI index | Topics index | Keywords index | Graphical index | Full index .PP © 2003\-2024 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.3.2 Reference Manual