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vcf2genomicsdb - VCF data converter for GenomicsDB


vcf2genomicsdb [options] <loader_json_config_file>


--help, -h


--progress, -p

Show import progress
specify minimum amount of time between progress messages with --progress=<interval> or -p<interval> where <interval> is a floating point number. Default units are seconds, explicitly specify seconds, minutes, or hours by appending s, m, or h to the end of the number

--tmp-directory, -T

Specify temporary directory (stores some temporary files during the import process, default is /tmp)

--rank, -r

Manually assign MPI rank of process, determines on which partition the process will operate


Split the files specified by the callset mapping JSON file according to the column partitions in the loader JSON
resulting files will be placed in the same directory as the originals default behavior is to generate split files only for the partition corresponding to the rank
Modifiers to --split-files:
--split-all-partitions Overrides --split-files default behavior and instead creates split files for all partitions --split-files-results-directory Specify where to place split files, overrides default behavior of placing them in the same directory as originals --split-output-filename Create a split file for one column partition and one VCF
e.g. vcf2genomicsdb <loader.json> --rank=<rank> --split-files --split-output-filename=<output_path> <input.vcf.gz>
Create callset mapping files containing the paths to the generated split files, one callset per partition
July 2022 vcf2genomicsdb