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ipa-server-certinstall(1) IPA Manual Pages ipa-server-certinstall(1)


ipa-server-certinstall - Install new SSL server certificates


ipa-server-certinstall [OPTION]... FILE...


Replace the current Directory server SSL certificate, Apache server SSL certificate and/or Kerberos KDC certificate with the certificate in the specified files. The files are accepted in PEM and DER certificate, PKCS#7 certificate chain, PKCS#8 and raw private key and PKCS#12 formats.

PKCS#12 is a file format used to safely transport SSL certificates and public/private keypairs.

They may be generated and managed using the NSS pk12util command or the OpenSSL pkcs12 command.

The service(s) are not automatically restarted. In order to use the newly installed certificate(s) you will need to manually restart the Directory, Apache and/or Krb5kdc servers.

If the ACME service is enabled then the web certificate must have a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) for ipa-ca.$DOMAIN.


Install the certificate on the Directory Server
Install the certificate in the Apache Web Server
Install the certificate in the Kerberos KDC
The password to unlock the private key
Name of the certificate to install
Directory Manager password
Show the program's version and exit
Show the help for this program
Print debugging information
Output only errors
Log to the given file


0 if the installation was successful

1 if an error occurred

Mar 14 2008 IPA